Chapter 16

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Elena's POV:

I ran into the hospital. I looked around and saw a bunch of sick people lying around. I saw a nurse walking by.

"Um excuse me?" I said. She looked over to me.

"What may I help you with?" She asked.

"Do you know what room Ashton Waters is in?" I asked.

"I am not allowed to give out that information ma'am" She said to me. What the hell? Ma'am? That makes me sound old.

"But I am his Girlfriend" I said.

"Are you close family?" She asked.

"Well.. No bu-"

"Then I can't tell you sorry" She said going into the elevator. I sighed. I looked around and saw no nurses. I ran down the hall as fast as I could. I looked into every room and saw no body.

"HEY!" I heard. I turned around and saw a security guy running towards me. I ran into the elevator.

I decided to go to the children's hospital to so I could see them. 


"Excuse me miss? Do you know what room Gabriella, Anastacia and Noah Gomez are in?" I asked.

"Ma'am I am not allowed to give out that information"

"I am there mother!" I yelled.

"I apologize" she replied. "They should be in... Ah room 149" She told me.

"Thank you so much" I replied.

I went into the elevator and clicked floor 1. It started going up and I noticed the person standing next to me.

"What the fuck are you doing here!!" I screamed.

Ashtons POV:

I woke up in a hospital bed. There was a cast around my arm and leg and I had a bunch of wires hooked up to me.

"Nur-Nurse?" I asked. This semi-old lady walked in.

"Yes sir?" She asked.

"What.. What happened to me?" I asked.

"I dont know. You just came in because you fucked up pretty badly" she replied.

"I kind of figured that out thanks" I replied. She glared at me.

"I dont need the sass young man!" She yelled.

"I dont need it either old bitch" I muttered.

"Look I dont need this right now from some young punk who carelesly drove into on coming traffic and risked his life!!" She yelled.

"Thats what you think I did? Want to know what really happened?" I asked.

"Yes! Ammuse me" She said walking closer.

"I am 17 years old. For the last 5 years of my life I was inlove with the most beautiful girl ever! She always thought I was a player so I never had a chance with her. On prom night I saw her crying. It broke my heart. I held her while she cried and wanted to drive her back home. Once we got into the car I kissed her and we ended up having sex. I got her pregnant. With triplets. We bought a house together and our life was wonderful. Then this girl who I havent done ANYTHING with for a long time texted me asking if we were gonna 'do it' again. My girlfriend saw it and kicked me out. Today I went and apologized. Then an hour later my mother called wanting to see my kids. It was pouring with snow and I was driving as carefully as I could when the car hit me. I would never have done anything to hurt her or my kids. So next time you think that I am some careless punk, think again!" 

She stood there in shock.

"I... I am so sorry.." She replied. "My.. My husband... He was a careless drunk and one day he drove with our kids and killed them all." 

I just sat there in shock. She started crying. I opened my arms as wide as I could to give her a huge. She hugged me wipping her tears.


"Look. I heard about the kids and I wanted to see them" Hannah said.

"You have absolutly NO RIGHT to even go near them!" I yelled.

"Elena i am sory for what happened but you can't hate me forever!" She yelled.

"Watch me!" I replied. The elevator doors opened as I walked out.

"Oh and if you ever go near my kids again, I will get you arrested!" I said before walking away.

I walked down the hall to try and find room 149. Once i found it I saw three kids with a bunch of nurses around.

I ran into the room and pushed past the nurses. I saw my kids with blood on there cheeks. Gabriella had a broken leg and a sprained wrist. Ana had a broken arm and broke her finger. And Noah had a broken arm and afew crushed ribs. 

I kneeled down and started crying. The nurses tried to confort me but it didnt work. I just continued to sob. 

I dont know what happened but I ended up falling asleep because i woke up in a chair. The kids looked better. 

I got up when I head crying. I turned and saw Noah. He was crying.

"Oh my baby" I said kneeling down by him. I held his hand as he was trying to see what happened.

"Mommy... Why does it hurt to breath?" He asked. I started crying.

"This is temporary.. It will be easier to breath soon. I promise." I said holding his hand tight. One of the nurses came in.

"May I speak to you Mrs. Gomez?" She asked.

"Yes of course" I replied. I let go of Noah's hand and walked outside of the room.

"Mrs. Gomez, I hate to say this but Noah will need surgery" She said.

"I dont care how much it will cost just get hi-"

"No Mrs. Gomez. Our doctors have never performed this kind of surgery on a todler. You can either get this suregery and there may not be a chance of survival, or you can chose to not get it and he will not live" she said. I froze. This was a 50-50 chance. I couldnt do this.

"I.. I will need to talk to my boyfriend about this." I said.

"No Mrs. Gomez we need to do this surgery right away. Otherwise he will die in a week" She said.

"O-Okay... Then do the surgery"

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