Chapter 50

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"What was that?" I asked dropping my fork. I heard screaming coming from upstairs.

I practically leaped out of my chair and ran upstairs. The noise was coming from the girls bedroom. I opened the door and saw Anastacia on the ground with her head bleeding.

"Oh my god!" I yelled. I ran up to her and picked her up. I lifted her hair and saw a deep cut. A lot of blood was coming out.

A lot.

"Carol call an ambulance" I said. She nodded and ran to get the phone.

"It's ok baby" I said cradling her. She continued to cry and cry. My shirt was now filled with blood and I heard sirens.

"They will be here as soon as they can" Carol said coming back.

"Can you get me a towel please?" I asked. She nodded.

I looked at the bunk bed and saw blood on the bottom. She must've fallen from the top. 

But there is a wall to stop them if they fall...

Carol came rushing back with a towel and I quickly put it on her head to stop the bleeding.

"I need to call Ashton Can you please watch her?" I asked handing her over to Carol. Ana was freaking out and I knew she wouldn't keep the towel on her head. I couldn't talk to him in their with all the cryng either.

"Hello?" Ashton asked out of breath. What is going on?

"Its Elena" I said. "Ana-"

"Elena I can't talk right now" he said. It sounded like he was running. There was a lot of beeping in the background.

"What is going on?" I asked freaking out.

"Gabriella's heart rate slowed down. A lot. They need to take her into surgery" He said.

Oh my god.

"I can't talk I have to go please come" he said hanging up.

"Ashton!" I yelled. He eneded it. Both of my daughters are hurting and I can't stop it.

SOmeone rang the door bell and I rushed downstairs. When I opened the door paremedics were their with a gurney.

"What we we don't need a gurney?" I said but they ignored me. Am I invisible?

"Where is she?" they asked. 

"Upstairs she only hurt her he-" they ignored me and walked upstairs. 


They went upstairs and I quickly followed behind. 

"You got a pretty big ouchie didn't you??" One of the men asked. She nodded. I heard a door open and saw Noah.

"Mommy?" He asked.

 Shit I totoally forgot about Noah!

"Oh hey hunny" I said going over to pick him up. He was carrying his little blue blanket with him. I picked him up and he was looking around.

"Who are they?" He asked.

"Paramedics" I said. "They drive an ambulance"

"I have an ambulance" he said looking at me reffering to his toy. 

"Yes you do" I replied. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around.

"May we please speak to you?" The man asked. I nodded.

"Hey buddy how about you go and lay with your toys for a little bit. I will be right back" I said putting him down.

"Ok mommy" he said and went back into his room. I followed the paramedic into Ana's room.

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