Sequel? New book? Hmm.

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Hello everyone. So the day after I finished the book I had over 2.5k notifications. I cannot believe you guys liked it this much. I also realized it was #82 in teen fiction. That is amazing!

Thank you all so much for loving and supporting my book. I had been writing it for over a year now and I would just like to thank you all.

Now for the whole debate on whether it should be a sequel or a new book... I have decided to...

Write a new book.

I am sorry for those who are disappointed by my decision but I promise if you like this book you will love my next one. I will be posting it tonight. Here is a little sneak peak.

I looked him in the eyes. His beautiful blue eyes shined as the light bounced off of them. His soft black hair he ran between his fingers. His glowing white smile he flashed to his friends.

He ran up to her. He grabbed her and kissed her. She ran her fingers through his hair. His hands grazed her waist as he pulled her closer. When they pulled apart, I could see him smile. The biggest smile ever. He was truly happy with her.

He was never mine in the first place. Always her's.

He will never know the pain I felt that day knowing our baby will never see that beautiful smile. That gorgeous hair. Those amazing eyes.

That our baby will never see their dad.

Like it? I do and I really hope you guys do too. This sneak peak is for a few chapters ahead but still. Hope you just love it and please read it. I am so excited for this book. I hope you guys will too!!

(Psst. THE NEW BOOK IS UP!!! I would so appreciate if you would go read it! I worked so hard on it. For almost 4 days trying to make it good!!!) It is still called 16 and pregnant so click my profile and you should see it 

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