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Alright so I was very surprised because a lot of you got it right. I am 13, turning 14 on October 14 (The triplets birthdays ;)) But the reason I asked was because.. Ok first I want 0 hate on what I am about to say because I hate self promotion and I hate telling people this but I have a reason so please read until I say the reason.. 

Okay I have a Youtube channel and the reason I am telling you guys this is because I am having a very VERY ruff start and I would just like a little bit more support from viewers. Now before you say it, I am not doing it for the money. I don't even make money on my videos, if you go to watch them there are NO adds whatsoever. I don't want to do it for the money I want to do it because I love it but it is so hard with very little views. 

So please if you could maybe take the time to watch some of my videos, I do gaming (sims 4 and soon sims 3) and I do vlogs. My channel is called 'xMeganx' (I will link it down below) but please just take time to watch some. I know my game play videos suck at the moment because I do not have a proper mic but I am getting better so bear through the first one and I get better farther on. If you don't watch them I completely understand, I hate when people do this and I get it but I am not doing this for money I would just really appreciate it so much! 

Anyways I am continuing on with the story next chapter. Thank you everyone who watches I love all of you guys!!!! :)

(Guys I swear it won't let me paste the link this sucks I am gonna keep trying it keeps pasting it like this: https://www.youtube.com/user/selenagomezrocks2001/featured so Idk what to do but please search it up and I will keep trying to paste the link)

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