Chapter 63

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Quick little authors not I would just like to thank you all for all the love and support I have been getting on the past authors note it was just so much positive feedback and I am so glad to have you guys as readers and I am so thankful for you all.


As I was driving home all three kids tried to tell me about their day all at once.

"Slow down take turns!" I said. "Noah then Anastacia then Gabriella"

They each one by one patiently waited to tell me about their day on the way home. I listened to every single thing. I wish the car ride was longer.

When we got home I opened the door and thank god it was already almost 1. They kids were all in their naps. 

"Ok guys do you want some lunch?" I asked. They all nodded and dropped their bags by the door.

"Eh!" I said. They looked up at me. "Does this look like a barn? Go bring your bags upstairs into your room now" 

They did as they were told and I made then PBJ sandwiches. They ate them and then went upstairs and had a tiny nap. They are only six but they still need tiny naps. 

I went downstairs and laid on the couch with Ashton while watching an episode of our show while people were filming us for our show.

"This is so weird" I said. "Seeing us on tv" 

"Yeah" he said. He got up and switched it to a kid show.

"Where are the kids?" I asked.

"All in their naps" he said.

"Woah" I said. "I am impressed" 

He laughed. "How was their first day at kindergarten?"

"Good. There wasn't a problem at all" I said. "They are so grown up"

"Yeah" he said. I laid silently on him until I slowly drifted off to sleep.


"STOP!" I heard someone scream. I opened my eyes and bolted up along with Ashton.

I started walking upstairs when I heard crying. I walked into the girls room to see Emily on the ground.

"Gabriella Kendall Gomez time out NOW!" I yelled. I walked over to Emily and cradled her. Gabriella stomped over to the corner and plopped herself down.

"Its okay Em" I said while she continued crying. "How about all of us go outside to play ok?"

She lifted her head and nodded. "Ok go tell your brothers and sisters to get their shoes on" I said putting her down. I walked into the tiny nursery and saw all of them smiling. They must have just got up.

"Hey guys" I said. They looked up at me and got on their feet. I walked over and started changing their diapers. I did it in birth order. Lexi, Jade, Jaiden and Aaron. Then I brought them all downstairs and into a little play pen and let them do whatever. Ashton was getting the kids ready to go outside and play on their bikes on the driveway.

I sat down on the couch and decided to call Savannah. She hasn't talked to my mom in almost 3 years. Aiden is almost 3...

"Hello?" A voice answered. It sounded like a man.. 

"Hello?" I asked.

"Who is this?" He asked.

"Um Savannah's sister who is this?" I asked. 

There was a long pause with a sigh. 

"Mrs. Gomez there has been an incident at the Savannah-Cara residence" he said.

"What kind of incident?" I asked standing up. My hands were shaking and I felt like I was going to throw up.

"A car accident" he said. 


HOLY SHIT! I haven't uploaded in weeks! Anyways I am going to upload as much as possible because I am going on a vacation to visit family from the 13th till October 9th and I can't bring my laptop. I will try to use my phone but I won't upload for most of that time. 

Anyways hope you enjoyed the cliff hanger.

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