Chapter 28

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I laid on the couch with an ice pack on my cheek.

"Mommy?" Gabriella called. I turned around.

"Oh hey hunny are you hungry?" I asked.

"What happened?" She askeed ignoring my question.

"Nothing I just felt too hot" I lied. I hate lying because I suck at it.

"Okay, can I have waffles?" She asked.

"Yeah for sure. Go get Ana an Noah" I replied. I got up and put the ice pack in the freezer. Ashtons arms wrapped around me.

"I hate lying to them" I said.

"They will forget it" He replied. I sighed. He was right.

"Okay I need to make them breakfast" I said trying to loosen his grip on me.

"I will make them breakfast. You go and relax. You've had a tought morning" He said kissing me. I smiled. I went to the washroom and saw a giant red handprint on my cheek. I hate my mother.

"But she isn't" I said to myself.

She isn't my mother. She is my FOSTER mother. I have my real mother out there somewhere. A mother who wouldn't hit me. A mother who would be spportive.

But what if she isn't. What if shes worse.

"Elena?" Ashton called. I snapped back into reality and walked into the kitchen.

"Here" he said handing me some waffles.

"Thanks" I replied. I sat down and started eating. I could find her.

I could find my real mother.

"Elena?" Ashton said. I stared up at him realizing her was talking to me.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"I was saying we should take the kids out somewhere to pick out their advent calanders" he said. I nodded.

"Sure" I replied. I was too focused on findng my real mom..

I decided against it. I have gone long enough without contacting her, I can go longer.

I stood up and put my dishes in the sink.

"When do you want to go?" He asked.

"Let's go now. I will be ready in afew minutes. I think it snowed outside? Can you find the kids winter boots?" I asked. He nodded.

I went upstairs and got into the shower. After I was finished I curled my hair and put on light makeup. I got my old highschool's sweatshirt and some leggings. I grabbed my boots and went into the kids room.

"Ashton did you find their shoes?" I asked.

"Still looking" he replied. I got the kids dressed while he continued to look.

I got Noah a sweater with some jeans, and I got the girls a sweater with leggings. I did the girls a messy side braid for their hair.

"Okay guys go downstairs and get your coats on" I said. The went downstairs as I went to help Ashton.

"They are right here!" I said going right infron of them. I grabbed the three pairs of boots and went downstairs.

"Okay guys here are your boots" I said. They grabbed their pair and put them on. I felt something come up and I ran to the bathroom. I vomited everything that I ate this morning.

When I got up I re-applied my lipstick and put in a mint. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a little baby bump.

"I have five kids inside of me" I said, shocked.

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