Chapter 43

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I didn't realize until I woke up that I fell asleep on the couch after crying all night. My neck hurt and my eyes hurt. I still have to text Savannah to help me get the little ones and then I need to ask someone to watch the triplets.

I got up and my legs even hurt. I am never sleeping on the couch again.

I went upstairs and checked on the kids. They were still asleep. Thank god.

I went into my room and grabbed my phone. No texts. Figures.

I dialed Savannah hoping she will pick up. I don't know what time it is but I need her to pick up.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hey its me" I replied.

"Oh hey" she said. I could tell she was tired.

"Is uh is this a bad time?" I asked.

"No.. No no no.. I just.. I was just sleeping but I need to get up anyways" she said.

"I was wondering if you can help me pick up the little ones from the hospital today. You and Ryan" I said.

"Oh um. Sure why what happened to Ashton?" She asked.

"We had a fight and we are on a break" I said.

"Oh okay. I will be over with Ryan around 10 okay?" She said.

"Okay" I replied hanging up. I went into the bathroom and had a quick shower. When I turned off the water and stepped out wrapping a towel around me. When I checked the time on my phone it was 9:30. I must've called Savannah around 9. I checked on the kids again and saw that Ana wasn't in her bed.

"Ana?" I asked walking into her room. I heard a little giggle as I walked around.

"Ana where are you?" I asked. My towel started to fall and I quickly wrapped it around again.

I turned to the closet and heard her giggle. I opened the door and saw her smiling.

"There you are" I said going up to her and tickling her. She laughed and squirmed around. I picked her up and swung her over my shoulder.

"You need to go wake up your sister and your brother okay? Aunty Savannah is coming over" I said.

"Who is that?" She asked as I put her back down.

"My sister. Now go tell them" I said. She went to the bottom bunk to wake up Gabi as I left. I went back into my room and blow dried my hair. I put on a crop top with some skinny jeans and sneakers. I put my hair in a messy bun and went into the girls room.

It was 9:40. I got the girls dressed in a tank top and jeans with a little cardigan and I tied their hair up in a high pony. I got Noah dressed in the usual and grabbed my phone.

When the doorbell rang I went downstairs and saw Ryan. Wow. I haven't seen him since I was 16. He looked. Better almost. He was what, 21 now?

And Savannah. She looked..


Was she...

"You aren't going to say hello?" Ryan asked laughing. I laughed back leaning in to hug him.

"I missed you" I said.

"I missed you too" he replied. After I pulled away I hugged Savannah. I definitely felt a bump.

"Hey" I said once I pulled away. "I am going to need you to watch the kids while Ryan helps me get the other kids"

She nodded.

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