Chapter 23

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Once we got home I let the kids sit downstairs with their bottles and watch tv. I grabbed my mac book and sat at the kitchen table.

I immediately searched up a 5 bedroom house.

I found one that was 6 bedrooms, which I could work with. It had a beautiful master bedroom with a nice basement for the kids along with a family room and a beautiful kitchen. And a huge backyard.

I copied the link and sent it to our real estate agent. Hopefully she would reply soon. So we could go and check it out.

"AHHHHHHH" I heard. I turned and saw Gabriella on the floor crying her eyes out.

"Oh my gosh baby what happend?" I asked her picking her up. She truned and pointed at Anastasia.

"Anastasia Taylor Gomez what did you do to your sister?!?!" I asked.

"She hit me with her bottle!!" Gabriella said.

"I DID NOT I PUSHED HER!" Anastasia yelled.

"ANASTASIA GOMEZ GO UPSTIARS TO YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW!!" I screamed. She ran up to her room crying her eyes out. I looked at Gabriella's head and it was bleeding.

"Ugh shit!" I said. I ran to the bathroom and put a wet cloth on her head. She must've hit her head on the table when Ana pushed her.

Once she calmed down I sat her on the couch with Noah.

I went back onto my computer and saw that my real estate agent already replied.

'This is a beautiful house. You looking to buy? I can set up a time for tomorrow' she wrote.

I wrote back. 'That would be AMAZING! Thanks!! :)'. I shut my laptop again and went to go make lunch.

I started making Mac and Cheese when my phone rang.

It was Josh.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Tamara wants to talk to you" he said.

"I really dont give two shits about what she has to say" I said.

"Well you should"


"Because everyone know you got pregnant" he said. I laughed.

"No shit sherlock" I said continueing to laugh

" but everyone is talking about it!!" He said.

"Look Josh, I'm eighteen now. I don't care that everyone knows about me getting pregnant, I reaaaaally don't" I said hanging up. I blocked his number so hopefully he could never talk to me again.

I went back to the Mac and cheese and finished making it. I grabbed four plates and put some Mac and cheese on each.

"Ana lunch!" I yelled. She opened her door and came downstairs. Her eyes were red from crying.

She walked downstairs and sat on her chair along with Gabriella and Noah.

I gave them their plates when I got a phone call.


"Hey" It was ashton.

"Oh hey" I said smiling.

"Have you found a house yet?" He asked.

"Yup! Marie said we could check it out tomorrow" I replied.

"Thats great!" He said.

"Yeah." I replied.

It was silent for afew minutes.

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