Chapter 42

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Ashtons POV:

She threw the ring at me and slammed the door shut. What is her problem? Like she is lucky enough that I purposed to her let alone do this for her.

I grabbed the ring and put it on the desk. I knew she would be coming back to get it one way or another. I laid down on the bed and turned on hockey.

I started to think about TLC. Elena doesn't realize we have like 0 money. I am in debt doing this for her. TLC is our only hope. I don't give a shit if people judge us. Who cares? Like we would be doing it for us not for the enjoyment of others.

Someone scored in hockey and a huge beep rang from the tv. I turned it off not wanting to watch it anymore.

I got underneath the covers and tried to fall asleep but couldn't because of the sound of sobs coming from downstairs. I groaned getting up. It was probably one of the kids having a bad dream or something.

When I opened my door the sobs didn't sound like bad dream sobs.

They sounded like painful sobs.

I walked by the railing of the stairs and saw Elena curled up with a blanket over her sobbing into her phone.

"Mom please I need to leave here" she said.


"Mom he isn't the same. He.. He has changed" she cried some more. I crouched down and continued to listen.

"You were right. I made a huge mistake with my life. I.. I can't do this. I feel so alone.. I.. I can't take care of these kids I.. I need to leave please can I stay over?" she sobbed. My heart hurt hearing her cry. She can't leave.

She just can't.

"Mom he doesn't love me anymore" she said into the phone followed by more sobs. My heart now ached. I can't let this happen.

"Mom please" she cried. I wanted to run down there and hold her and comfort her.

But I can't.

I heard her hang up the phone and cry into her blanket. I need to talk to her.

I got up and started to walk down the stairs. She turned her head and looked terrified to see me. She stopped crying and refused to look at me.

"What.. Do you want?" She chocked.

"I am sorry" I said. She shook her head.

"I can't believe you" she replied followed by some more quiet sobs. I walked closer to the couch and knelt down.

"Please believe me" I begged. "I will do anything. I.. I will buy you flowers everyday. I will throw your dream wedding. I will call TLC back and tell them it is off. I"

"What?" She chocked. She turned her head to stare at me. He eyes were red and her nose was stuffy.

"I told TLC we wanted to do it" I said. She shook her head.

"You did it behind my back?" She asked. I nodded wanting to cry. I never do. But seeing her hurt hurts me.

And knowing I hurt her, make me hurt even more.

"I was going to cancel it but we needed the money" I said.

"How could you?" She asked. "Behind my back?"

I couldn't say anything. I wanted to cry. No. I wanted to die.

"I am so sorry baby please" I said standing up. She shook her head.

"I could call them back" I offered.

"You are calling them back!" she demanded. "It is my choice also!"

"I know that" I replied.

"You obviously didn't" she shouted back.

"I am sorry okay?" I replied.

"You need to stop saying sorry and start thinking about your actions!" She shouted to me.

"We need some time apart" She said almost as a whisper.

"W-What?" I asked.

"We need some time apart.. I.. I need some time away from you"

"What about the babies?" I asked.

"I will call my sister and she will help me pick them up tomorrow" she said.

"I .. I can't leave" I said.

"Ashton if we don't take some time apart I will leave and never come back" she said. I can't do this. I can't leave my kids. But I can't lose her.

"Fine" I said. I turned around and walked upstairs. I opened my door and slammed it shut. I was pissed, I was angry, I was frustrated but not even at her.

I was mad at myself.

I am an asshole who doesn't know when to stop. I push Elena to the extreme and then when she breaks down I try to make it all better. I don't deserve her. I don't deserve anyone.

I grabbed my suitcase angrily and stuffed all of my stuff into it. I zipped it up and started to head out the door when I saw the ring.

Should I take it?

Or no?

I decided to leave it. When she decides she wants it she will tell me.

I opened the door and walked downstairs to see Elena sitting in the same spot.

Barely moved.

"How long is this 'break' going to last?" I asked.

"At the most three weeks. I promise" she said. Three weeks?

"Okay" I said. I dont want to fight with her. I threw my key on the coffee table and opened the door.

"I want you to know that I will always love you and I will never ever stop loving you for as long as I live" I said. When she didn't respond I walked outside and closed the door.

Elenas POV:

"How long is this 'break' going to last?" He asked. I turned to face him. He is actually going to do this for me? I dont even know if I want to go through with this.

"At the most three weeks" I said. Three weeks should be enough time apart.

"Okay" he said. Emotionless. He must not care enough to fight for us. He threw his house key on the coffee table and opened the door.

"I want you to know that I will always love you and I will never stop loving you for as long as I live" he said. My eyes started to water. I can't look at him or I will break down and cry and beg him to come back. He slammed the door and I grabbed the blanket towards my face and cried.

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