Chapter 47

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"She is really sick" I said to Ashton. I had just finshed putting Gabi to bed and we were sitting on the floor in the nursery watching the babies.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"When she threw up, she threw up for almost 10 minutes. That isn't healthy" I said.

"What do you want to do?" He asked stroking my hair. My head was layed on his lap.

"I will take her to the doctor after you take the kids to daycare" I said.

"I can't take them" he said pulling his hand away from my hair. I sat up.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I have a meeting at 7 am and work is 30min away" he said.

"I have to stay here with Gabriella I can't leave her alone or take her with me" I said running my hand threw my hair.

"I can't honey I am sorry" he said moving closer to me.

"I will get my sister to" I said. Hopefully she won't be busy.

"Are you sure? I could ask my mom" he said. That probably is the best. I don't want to bother Savannah at this time and I don't want to call her first thing in the morning.

"Okay. Are you sure she won't mind?" I asked.

"No I will call her right now" he said getting up and leaving the nursery. I stood up and sat in the rocking chair.

I started rocking back and forth listening to Ashton talking to his mom. I started to drift asleep when Connor started crying.

"Great" I said getting up. I grabbed him and started rocking him in my arms. He wouldn't stop crying. If he doesn't stop all the kids will start.

I walked out of the nursery and ran into Ashton.

"What happ-"

"Shhh!" I half yelled. He raised his hands up.

"Yeah mom I am still here" he said turning around. I walked downstairs and grabbed the formula as he started screaming.

"Shhh you brothers and sisters are sleeping" I said to him rocking him back and forth. He started to get quieter. Yes!

I grabbed his formula and put it in his bottle and then into the microwave. I put it in for the right amount of time and went into the living room to sit with him.

"Shh" I said rocking him back and forth. Nothing. He kept on crying. I couldn't do anything to stop it.

"You.. You are my sunshine my lovely sunshine" I started singing. Ashton would start laughing at me but this is all I can do.

"You make me happy when skys are grey" I continued. He started to get quieter and quieter.

"You'll never know dear how much I love you" I said. He stopped crying. I smiled. "So please don't take my sunshine away"

He stopped crying and actually started smiling. I smiled and started laughing. I got up and went by the stairs.

"Ashton" I have whispered half yelled.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I made him smile!" I said laughing.

"What?" He said smiling running down the stairs. He came beside me and looked at him. He was definetly smiling.

"Oh my god you made him smile!" He said smiling. The microwave beeped loudly and he started crying again.

"Shit" I said. going to the microwave. I grabbed his bottle and held it for him. He started sucking. I went to sit back down beside Ashton.

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