Chapter 38

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Elenas POV:

I opened my eyes and realised I fell asleep last night. I dont even remember how. I was crying for no reason then I fell asleep.

My emotions are going everywhere. Part of me wants to marry Ashton. Part of me hates him for lying to me and drugging me. Part of me doesn't even care anymore.

I turned over and saw that I was alone. I grabbed my phone and had no calls from him. Figures.

I heard a knock at the door and I put my phone back.

"Hello Mrs. Gomez" she said. Finally someone got it right. "You are allowed to leave today but the kids need to stay in the ICU"

I sighed. I knew that they would.

"How long?" I asked.

"About a week or two. Then you can come and get them. Don't worry. They are happy and healthy. We just need to keep an eye on them to make sure they are okay" she said.

"Okay. Can I see them now?" I asked.

"Of course. But before you leave you need to fill in some paper's by the front desk" I nodded. She smiled and exited the room, closing the door behind her.

The only clothes I have were the jeans and oversized sweater I wore the day my water broke. Ashton won't bring me my clothes. Hell, I would be suprised if he even showed up.

I got dressed in the bathroom and untangled my hair with my hands. I had no make up and looked like shit.


I opened the bathroom and neatly placed the gown I was wearing on the bed. I grabbed my phone and put it in my back pocket. I want to call Ashton to pick me up but he won't answer.

I walked out of the room and went to the front desk.

"Hello I am Elena Wat- Gomez" I said. She smiled.

"You have to sign here and fill out your kids names here" she said. I nodded. I put down the kids names and gave her back the paper.

"Um do you know where the ICU is?" I asked.

"Down the hall, first door on the left" she said. I thanked her and walked down the hall.

I quickly found it and opened the door. There were nurses everywhere.

"Excuse me, if you want to visit you have to where this" A nurse said stopping me. I grabbed the mask she was holding for me.

"Thanks" I replied giving her a fake smile.

She walked away and I put on the mask. I walked around seeing babies everywhere with tubes and wires stuck to them.

Their was another family there. Looking at their baby. I watched as a doctor came by.

"I don't know how to say this but her heart just isn't as strong as it should be. She won't make it" the doctor said. The mother burst into tears. The dad was trying to comfort her but he couldn't help but cry also.

"Can't we just put her on life support?" He asked through his tears.

"She is on life support sir, we can keep her on for another few days but there are very slim chances she will make it" the doctor said.

"Excuse me?" A nurse said behind me. I snapped my head around.

"Are you looking for your kids?" She asked. I nodded. "Last name?"

"Gomez" I said.

"Follow me" she replied. I walked behind her but couldn't shake off that terrible feeling that I got. My babies, my six babies are healthy, or semi-healthy but they will live. I can have my six babies. They only get one and they lose it. I feel so terrible for them. I want to do something but I don't know what.

"Here you are. You have to be very quiet" she said. I nodded as she walked away.

I looked down at six basinets. There was Alexis, Emily, Liam, Abbie, Connor and Trevor.


He had the most wires on him. He had wires in his mouth and nose. The other ones only had them in their nose. He had them everywhere.

I stared at them and started to cry. They look so beautiful yet in so much pain. I can't stay here.

I basically ran out of the ICU and into the hallway. I ripped my mask off and slid down the wall. I brought my knees to my chest and started to cry.


"Mom where is she?" I growled into the phone. "She isn't in her bedroom"

"She might be in the bathroom?" She said.

"I checked the entire room, she is gone! Her phone is gone and her clothes. She left mom!" I yelled.

"I don't know Ashton I am sorry. I have to go I am making the kids lunch. Bye" she said. I hung up before saying bye. I was so pissed.

She was mad because I left. I left without her. I did lie to her. But she doesn't know why.

I went to the front desk.

"Do you know where Elena Gomez is?" I asked.

"I think she went to the ICU. It is just down the hal-"

I walked away before she could finish talking. I heard sobs. When I turned to the left I saw her sitting on the ground, crying. Her knees where close to her chest and she was citiing in the corner. I ran beside her.

"What happened?" I asked.

She rubbed her eyes with the back of her arm.

"Wh-Where have you been?" She asked.

"I went to bring the kids to my moms" I lied.

"No you're m-mom took them don't lie to me!" She half yelled. She was still crying. I lifted my hand to wipe away the tear that was falling onto her cheek. She flinched at my touch.

"I will explain in the car please just please tell me why you are crying" I said.

"I saw the kids. They had wires an-and they had tubes attached to them and th-they don't loook healthy and th-they look like they're in so much pain!" She sobbed.

"They aren't. They would be in pain if they didn't have those things" I said. She rubbed her eyes.

"Please get up. Let me take you uh home" I said grabbing her hand. She jerked it away.

"I can get up myself" she snapped. I rolled my eyes and stood up with her.

"Did you fill out the papers?" I asked. She nodded.

"Can we just please go home? I want to move into the new house already" she said. I nodded.

"Okay lets go" I said.

The elevator ride and walk to the car was silent. I put the key into the egnition and drove from the parking lot.

"Where are the kids seats?" She asked looking behind me.


"Um my mom has them" I said. Which was actually the truth.

"See your mom did take them home why did you lie to me?" She asked crossing her arms.

"You will see trust me" I said. Once she knows what I did she won't be mad.

At least I hope she wont.

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