Chapter 58

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I woke up the next day to the baby monitor again.

"I got it" Ashton said and got up to go see them. I looked around and saw no cameras. I was slightly relieved.

I was confused on why Ashton wasn't already at work then I realized it was Saturday. I slowly got out of bed and went into the nursery where Ashton was picking up all the kids. It smelt really bad and I saw that Abbie wasn't moving. I went over to her.

"Hey baby whats wro-"

I stopped when I saw her crib. There was shit everywhere.


All over her blanket, her mattress, her pajamas, her hair, her back. It was everywhere.

"Oh Abbie" I said picking her up. She immediatly started crying.

"What's wrong?" Ashton said holding Liam. I turned her around and he cringed from the smell.

"Oh shit" he said. I rolled my eyes at his stupid pun and went into the triplets bathroom. That's the only bathroom that has the nice soaps.

I stirpped her and threw her clothes out. I hated that I had to but I just had to. I would have to wash it at least 3 times.

I washed her hair and her bacl and saw that it was underneath her nails. I was horrified.

"Oh Abbie" I said. She looked up at me and smiled. She had dimples like me. I laughed and continued to scrub her.

"Mommy it smells bad" I heard Noah say.

"I know honey, Abbie had an accident" I said.

"What happened?" He asked. He was holding his blanket and walking towards the tub.

"She pooped everywhere" I said. He laughed. I laughed at his laugh. It was the cutest thing ever.

"Can you go wake up your sisters?" I asked. He nodded and went into their bedroom. I continued to wash Abbie and I decided just to cut her nails really short instead of trying to scrub underneath them. After I was done I put her in her special towel. Its like the triplets towel. All of the little ones have one. It has a hood thats either a bear or a panda and it wrap's around them. The girls have Pandas, the boys have bears.

I wrapped it around her and put a fresh diaper on her. She simled and started to run around. This age is stressful because they are walking and you have to border up everywhere.

She ran into the nursery and started playing with Emily. I asked Ashton to bring the kids down and feed them so I could wash Abbie's crib. It was disguesting but I got it done. Once I walked into the kitchen, Ashton was feeding the kids and the triplets. I was relieved because after that I didn't want to even eat. I checked the temperature on my phone. It was going to be 104 degrees today. It was going to be hot. I decided to get the kids dressed in nice clothes for outside and let them all run around. After the triplets finished I brought them upstairs and put them in clothes.

I dressed the girls in shorts and a tanktop with flip flops and their hair was in a messy bun. For Noah I just put him in shorts and a tank top as well and flipflops. Once the little ones were finished I went into the living room and dressed them all the same way I dressed the triplets. Obviously the little girls hair isn't long enough to do a messy bun but I managed to tie it up in a small pony. After that I let them run outside and do whatever.

That's when it got hazardous.

We have this little play set for the triplets and it has like swings and a slide and you can climb on it. But seeing the big kids go on it made the little kids want to go on it. I needed to think of a way to keep them out when I saw Liam climbing up.

"No Liam! Guys this is their playground. You go on here you go inside!" I said. I knew they probably wouldn't understand but I guess they did because no one went NEAR it. I smiled and relaxed on the deck with Ashton.

"I can't believe we are going to have four more" he said.

"Me neither" I replied. Before this whole, TLC shit, we could never have had four more. Now we could have 10 more and still have extra money.

"Are you sure it's four?" He asked.

"Positive" I replied. He laughed at my pun and I stared back at the kids.

Alexis was being her crazy, wild self and running all over the yard with the biggest smile plastered on her face.

Liam was being stubborn and sitting in the middle of where everyone was going so they'd trip over him.

Emily was picking, well, what she thought was flowers, and carefully adding more to her little bouquet.

Connor was being almost isolated and playing cars on the grass.

Abbie was sassy and got mad at the other kids when they didn't listen to her.

And Tristan was runnign around being crazy with Alexis.

Anastacia was fighting with Gabriella, as usual, and Noah went over to Connor and started playing cars with him.

I laid back and started to think how life would be if their were four more people in the backyard with them. The noise level would be louder, the higher risk of injuries. The crying. The diapers. But I think in the end it is all worth it.

"So" Ashton said breaking me from my thoughts. "Do you still want to get married?"

I stared blankly at him. This was the first time ever we have talked about the wedding.

"Yes" I said.

"Are you sure" he asked.

"Yes" I said. He smiled and hugged me.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you more" I replied and I could feel him smiling.

"Not possible" he said back.


"Okay guys wait at your seat for daddy" I told the little kids. Since we have been on a schedule since day 1 they already know what is going on. They stood by their chairs in their table and waited while I made their lunch.

I decided to make Peanut butter and Jelly sandwhich since it was easier.

After I was finished I washed up all the kids and sat them in the living room by the tv.

I sat down on the couch beside Gabriella and watched tv with them until my phone rang. I got up and realized it was from Britney.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey so we need to know what you want to call your new tv show?" She asked.

I was in shock.

"What? I thought we did a one hour special?" I asked.

"We did. We aired it last night and the views were amazing. We got over 2 million" she said.


"Oh my god" I said smiling.

"So what would you like to call it?" She asked.

Me and Ashton were actually discussing this last night. We didn't want to be Elena and Ashton plus 9. Or 9 kids and counting.

"The Multiples" I said.

"That is what we thought as well!" She said laughing. I laughed back.

"Ok the cameras are coming back on monday so be prepared!" She said. I laughed and hung up.

"What happened?" Ashton asked.

"We have our own tv show!" I exclaimed.

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