Chapter 44

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Ashtons POV (One day earlier):

I slammed the truck door and drove off. I didn't know where I was going or why but I was pissed off and I wanted to get the hell out of here.

I drove farther and farther away from her and my kids and my life. I didn't want to be here. In this town. This stupid town.

I eventually found myself at a bar. I didn't know why I was here but I needed to drink. I haven't in so long I needed it.

I pulled into the parking lot and walked inside. It was dead. I sat at the counter and looked around. No one works here apparently.

"Ashton?" I heard. I turned around and saw her.


"Oh god" I whispered to myself. She sat down right beside me.


"Wow I haven't seen you since.. Since the beginning of grade 12" she said. Really? I thought. I actually hooked up with this chick?

"Oh" I said. I hope she can tell I am clearly annoyed. A bartender finally came by.

"What can I get you?" He asked.

"Two shots of vodka please" she said. I gave her a glare as he walked away.

"Why did you order for me?" I asked.

"You looked like you are stressed you need this" she replied tapping her finger on the oak wood counter.

"You better be paying for your own" I snapped.

"Such a gentlemen" she replied. I rolled my eyes.

"It's not like were on a date" I replied. She rolled her eyes and focused on the tv.

I can't believe I actually slept with her. She looked way too skinny. Like way too skinny. You can clearly see her ribs. He outfit was skanky. A tube top with short shorts. I'd be damned if my daughters wore anything like that. Her hair looked damaged and her teeth looked bleached. Her eyeshadow went up to her eyebrow and her lipstick was on her teeth.

"Here you are" the bartender said handing us a small glass of vodka.

"I am not drinking this" I replied.

"Calm down and loosen up. Your 20! Have fun" she said and tilted her head back and let the vodka go down her throat.

"No. I am a parent now I can't drink this" I said.

"Your a parent?" She asked surprised. "Wait.. Is your girlfriend the one that is all over the news?" I nodded. She laughed.

"So where is she now?" She asked.

"Why do you care?" I asked. She shrugged.

"Just curious" she replied. "Are you going to drink that or are you going to waste it?" She asked. I grabbed it before she could and let the burning liquid pour down my throat.

I shook my head and put the shot glass back down.

"What's wrong? Are you not allowed drinks at home?" She teased. I turned away from her. She is honestly the most annoying bitch I have ever heard.

I grabbed my bag and stood up.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Away" I replied.

"To where? Do you even have a place?" She asked.

"No!" I snapped.

"Come with me then. I have an extra room in my house" she said. I wanted to tell her to fuck off but I guess it couldn't hurt to look.

"Whatever" I said.


"Okay so you just pull this up and then you have your bed. The blankets are in the closet and the pillows are already on the matress once you pull it out" she said. I nodded.

She left the room and I quickly got changed. I laid on the bed and went on my phone. No calls from Elena. Maybe I should call her...


She needs her space.

I opened my door and put my phone on the coffee table in the living room so I wouldn't call her. I went back in my room and went back to sleep.


"Who is this?" I heard her say. What? I rubbed my eyes and went to get my phone when I realized it wasn't there.


It was on the coffee table.

"One sec. Ashtoooooon" she called. I opened my door and sure enough she was on my phone.

"What are you doing with my phone?" I asked. I grabbed it out of her hand and went back into my room.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Its Elena" she said.




"Oh what.. Uh what's up?" I asked trying to not sound suspicious. It is bad enough she answered my phone what if Elena finds out I stayed here too?

"Okay first of all who the hell was that who picked up?" She asked.

"My sister" I lied.

"You told me you were an only child" she yelled. Great.

More yelling.

"I lied" I replied, lying even more. I hate this.

"You are lying right now!" She yelled. I could hear her voice cracking.

She was crying.

"Okay why did you call I thought we were 'on a break'" I said.

"I went to pick up the kids and they need your signature so I can take them home" she said.

"I can't come right now" I replied. I want to but I don't. I don't need to go back just to sign some stupid papers so she can go home with my kids.

"Why your whore can't wait?" She asked.

"She isn't a whore" I lied. She is but I won't tell her that. "And it isn't like I slept with her"

"Then why did she answer your phone?" She asked. What is with all the stupid questions?

"Why do you care?" I responded, much harsher then I meant to.

"Because I am your fiancé I deserve to know!"

"You were the one who gave up on us!" I yelled.

"You were the one who didn't fight for us" she yelled back.





"What was I supposed to do Elena?" I yelled. "If I fought more you would've got more mad! I was trying to make you happy, you wanted me to leave, stop blaming everything on me! I tried Elena I try and try and try but nothing I ever do is pleases you! If it was up to me I would be by your side right now holding my babies and cradling you in my arms while the kids ran around but you gave up on us and I am tired of fighting for someone who doesn't even want me"

I then hung up and realized I had been crying the whole time.

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