Chapter 41

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I walked downstairs with a mix of angry and wanting to burst into tears. I am so sick of this. Me and Ashton are constantly fighting. First he drugs me, then he gets me pregnant, now he wants our kids to be on TLC? No. I will not let this happen.

No matter what.

People who are on that shopw turn out horrible. They're life is ruined, they don't talk to they're family or even worse.


But Ashton did say we'd get a lot of money. This house must've cost so much, with all the new furniture, and we have now 9 kids. We need the money. Plus we would be famous...

No! I need to put my foot down.

I walked downstairs and sat on the couch. It was a recliner so I opened it up and turned on the tv. I went staright to TLC and turned on 'Jon and Kate plus eight' just to see how they do these.

The girls were babysitiing the six kids which is how I imagine the quadruplets with the seven kids. They were teaching them to make arts and crafts and getting frustrated when they wouldn't do it perfectly. To be honest the girls were brats. They were screaming at the kids and running to they're rooms to cry. I will be damned if my kids act like that.

But you could tell that they loved their siblings. You just could. They help out with them a lot and they play with them. But they also get on their nerves. Like when they plan a group activity and it is mostly for the little kids or something they all have to do. They don't have a say. Or when they go through they're stuff or into their room. That isn't fun either.

I read this article a while back about them now. How the girls were 13 and the sixtuplets were 10. The girls said the show ruined they're childhood. They're parents split up and you had no idea if people were being friends with you to be on tv or to if they actually want to be your friend. Ashton doesn't see this. He only thinks about the one thing.


He doesn't realize that this could hurt the kids or we could split up. He doesn't realize that this is a huge deal and once it is on tv their is no going back. People will know us. They will follow us. Rumours will be spread. They will say stuff about the kids. People will be hateful. They will judge. But we are already on the news. Thanks to Tamara.

I heard footsteps and saw Ashton come downstairs. I shut off the tv and close the recliner.

"I have to put the kids to bed" I said trying to pass him. He stopped me.

"Can we please talk?" He asked.

"What is their to talk about? I am not allowing my kids to be on tv. Period" I said trying to pass him again. He stood infront of me.

"I don't have a say in this? Did you even consider the posibilities?" He asked.

"Of course I have Ashton but once we go on tv everyone will know and jugde us. The kids could get hurt!" I replied running my hand through my hair.

"Could" He reminded me. "I did all this for you and you can't do one thing for me?"

"Ashton this isn't about you okay none of this is. This is about the kids and what is better for them!" I replied.

"How do you know what is good for them?" He asked.

"I am they're mother I know what is best for them and this isn't it!"

"And getting pregnant at sixteen is?" He asked crossing his arms.

I froze. I wanted to lift my hand up and smack him across the face. But he was one stair above me and looked so intimidating I almost wanted to shrivle up into a little ball and cry.

"Exactly" he replied when I didn't answer. "So you are not the one to be a role model here"

I felt a tear and didn't even wipe it. His face had no expression. This isn't like Ashton. This is not the Ashton I know and love. He has changed.

He passed me on the stairs to go to the kitchen. I went up and went into my room.

I am nineteen. I have 9 kids. Stupid things like this shouldn't make me cry or be hurt/angry. But it does. I have to be tough and stand my ground. He won't win this time.

I went into the bathroom and wiped my eyes with the toilet paper. I stared at myself in the mirror. I am not the same girl I was three years ago. But then again, no one is.

I walked out of my bathroom and went into The girls room. They were in their pajamas with their hair tied up. Ashton must've told them to.

"Girls it is time to go to bed" I said. They awed as they put their barbies away into their toy chest that was labbled G and A. When they opened it they're was two sections. One of theirs was Gabbies and the other was Annas.

They climbed into they're bed and got snuggled.

"Mommy?" Gabriella asked.

"Yeah baby?" I replied.

"Why were you and daddy yelling?" She asked.

"We were uh just talking about you guys" I said.

"Did we do something bad?"

A huge lump in my throat suddenly appeared. "No you guys were fine don't worry about it hunny" I said kissing her forehead.

"Mommy when are the babies coming home?" Anastacia asked.

"Soon hopefully" I said.

"Can we see them tomorrow?" She asked.

"Mommy and daddy have to see them tomorrow" I said. She sighed.

"Okay" she replied. I kissed her forehead and plugged in their night light. I closed the door and went to Noahs room. He was also in his pajamas.

"Okay buddy time to go to bed" I said. He nodded and left his toys on the ground.

"Hey buddy!" I said. He turned around. "Where do these go?"

"Sorry mommy" he said grabbing them and putting them in his toy box. He then climbed into bed.

"Goodnight baby" I said kissing his forehead.

"Goodnight mommy" He replied. I then turned on his nightlight and closed the door. I walked into my bedroom to see Ashton sitting on the bed.

"We need to talk" Ashton said.

"I am not speaking to you right now" I replied. I went into the closet and grabbed my pajamas and saw some blankets also. I grabbed them and threw them at Ashton.

"When will you be leaving so I can go to bed?" I asked.

"What?" He replied.

"I am not sleeping in the same bed as you tonight and I am sure as hell not sleeping on the couch" I said.

"Neither am I" he replied. "Just because I told the truth and you got ma-"

"Excuse me?" I asked. :If you are constantly going to act like this because I won't allow my kids on tv I don't want to spend the rest of my life with you. I.. I barely want to be in the same room as you!"

"I am sleeping here. If you don't want to fine by me" He snapped.

"Well I hope your fine by this" I said. He turned to me as I slipped the engagement ring off of my finger and threw it at him. I slammed the door shut and ran downstairs.


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