Chapter 27

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*Next Day*

I woke up the next day in an empty bed. I dont remember falling asleep but I remember getting in bed.

I checked my phone and got no calls or texts from Ashton. I turned over and tried to fall asleep but someone was ringing the doorbell. I groaned and got up. I looked threw the window and saw no other then

My mother.

"Open up Elena!!" She screamed.

My heart started racing. I had a lump in my throat the size of a baseball. I can't face her. What will she want?

"Elena! I know your in there!" She screamed. I sighed and opened my door. There stood a angry 46 year old women, with a face as red as a tomato.

"Who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that?!" She yelled.

"Mom you can't just storm in here! And keep your voice down the kids are sleeping!" I lied. I didn't know if they were, I just didn't want a noise complaint form my neighbors.

"I can storm in here if I desire thank you very much and I dont give a shit if they are sleeping, if you didn't sleep with Ashton then I wouldn't have to worry about this and I wouldnt have to even have this conversation with you!" She yelled.

"Mom stop! You have no right to barge in here and yel at me for something I did! There is NOTHING you can tell me that I dontknow. I know I got pregnant, I know I have children, I know I shouldn't have yelled at you, I know I have a responsibility now and I know I am currently pregnant. Mom you can chose to live in the past or live in the future. You will regret things, you will make stupid decisions, but you learn from them! You learn from your mistakes and I know I obviously haven't because I am pregant again, but I realize how hard it is and I realize that you had different plans for me, and I realize you never excpected me to be this way, but I love my kids. There isn't a second that goes by that I don't love them. They are my life now and you can't change that. I can't change that and even if I could, I wouldnt. Mom I have my high school diploma I can go to university, but just because I am not going now, does not mean I wont ever go. I plan to go to university and I plan to do a lot of things but not right now. You can't control my life mom and if you plan to hate me forever I hope you have a great life because if you won't be in mine, I sure as hell don't want to be in yours" I said out of breath. 

Her expression changed from shocked to angry in an instant. She brought her hand up and I felt a shock of burning spread around my cheek. I fell to the ground in pain. I heard the door open and I thought she left but I saw Ashton.

"What the hell?" He yelled. My mother left as tears were running down my face.

"She.. She hit me Ashton" I cried. He got up and went outside.

"I swear to god if she comes even near here again I will call the police!" He yelled. I stood up and layed on the couch.

"Why.. Why didnt you call me or text me?" I asked.

"My phone died" he replied. I nodded.

"How is your dad?" I asked.

"He is fine. He is way better. Something happened with his lungs and he couldn't breath for a few minutes and he was rushed to surgery but he is better now" he said smiling.

"Thats great news" I said beaming. I know his dad doesn't like me, but I can't stand to see Ashton sad.

"He wanted me to see tell you he is sorry. He realized he made a huge mistake and he wants to be there. He wants to come to their birthday" he said.

"Their birthday isn't for another few months" I replied

"I know but he wants to be there" he replied. I nodded.

"Well if he is truly sorry he is welcomed into their life" I said. He smiled.

"Thank you" he replied.

My kids need granparents. Even if they aren't mine.


Two updates in one day? Your welcome ;)

Thank you guys for 14k reads! That is amazing!! Thank you guys so much :)

If you know me, you know I love suprises so there will eb a big suprise during her pregnancy.

Byeeee :)

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