Chapter 46

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"Elena?" Savannah said. I opened my eyes and realized I had fallen asleep. Ashton wasn't in the room.

"Yeah?" I said.

"It is almost 5 I'm gonna head home. I put Abbie in the crib and the kids fell asleep so Asthon helped me put them in their bed" she said.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep you could've gone home and sent me a text of something I would have understood" I said. 

"No it is okay I knew you would be tired so I just stayed it's okay but uh mom wants me home so I have to go" she said. I got up.

"Hey wait" I said before she left. She turned around. 

"Are you pregnant?" I asked.

She looked at the ground. 

"I really have to go" she said starting to close the door. I grabbed it.

"Savannah why wouldn't you tell me?" I asked. She started to walk downstairs.

"Because I am not pregnant" she said.

"I can see your bump Savannah don't lie to me" I said.

"I don't know why I didn't tell you" she said putting on her shoes. I was right behind her.

"That doesn't explain it" I said. 

"Not everything has to be run by you" she said.

"You were the first person I told" I said.

"So what if I didn't tell you who cares?" She yelled.

"I care I thought we were closer then this" I yelled back.

"Oh my god you want to know why I didn't tell you? Because It was a mistake. It wasn't with Noah it was with this guy I only knew for 2 weeks and he wants nothing to do with it!" She yelled. She started to cry and she sat on the floor. I sat beside her.

"You.. You have this wonderful family and this wonderful fiance that loves you so much and.. And I just made a mistake and when I finally found out it was too late to.. You know.. So I have to keep it and... I want my first kid to know it's father and I.. I ruined this for me and for my kid" she sobbed. I wrapped my arms around her.

"Hey" I said after pulling away. She looked at me.

"Did you even tell him?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter. He won't want anything to do with it" she said.

"You haven't even told him?" I asked. She shook her head. "You need to tell him. You won't know what his reaction will be. He might want nothing to do with it or he might want to stay in your life" 

She wiped underneath her eyes and laid against the door. 

"I will tell him" she said. "Now"

She got up and I did also.

"Are you sure you don't want to wait till tomorrow?" I asked.

"No.. He um he is coming over for dinner and that is why I had to go home. I will tell him before" she said and opened the door.

I hugged her really tight. "I love you"

"I love you too" she replied. I smiled before closing the door behind her.

"Mommy?" I heard. I turned around and saw Anastacia. 

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Are you still mad at me?" She asked walking down the stairs.

"I was never mad honey I was frusturated" I said.

"Is daddy mad at me?" She asked walking towards me.

16 and Pregnant **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now