Chapter 21

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"Po-positive?" I muttered. I stared at it. No. I has to be wrong. As much as I want another child.. I can't.

I'm still heartbroken over Noah.

I stuffed the test back into my purse when I heard my phone ring.


"Hey Elena" Josh said.

"Fuck off!" I screamed.

"Look my son really likes your gir-"

"Your son isn't going near my girls, you aren't going near my girls, and your ratchet ass skank of a girlfriend sure as HELL AINT EITHER!" I yelled. I hung up and luckly enough, the girls were asleep through all of that.

I opened the car door and carried both of them inside. I saw Ashton sitting in the couch watching football.

"YES!" He screamed.

"SHHH the girls are sleeping!" I said shutting the door.

"Sorry" he said picking Gabriella up. We brought them upstairs and put them into their individual beds. Gabi's had purple bedding and Ana's had pink.

"Ashton?" I said.

"Yeah?' He asked going downstairs.

"It.. It was positive" I said.

"Really?" He asked smiling.

"Yes. How can you be happy about this?" I asked.

"What are you talking about I get another son or daughter!" He said.

"N-No! How can you forget Noah like that?" I yelled.

"You think I forgot about my son?" He asked.

"Well it sure looks like it!" I screamed.


I froze.

"Wh-what?" I chocked.

"Elena I didn't me-"

"Go." I said.


"GO!" I yelled pointing towards the door. I tried so hard to hold back the tears.

"No!" He said.


"I AM NOT LEAVING MY DAUGHTERS AGAIN! This isn't just your choice Elena !" He yelled.

"THIS ISNT YOURS EITHER!" I screamed back.

"You have no right to build this sort of barrier in between my girls and me!" He yelled.

"You have no right to..." I stopped feeling the tears.

"To what? Say it!"


"You think I meant to?" He asked.

"Well you sure as hell didn't go out of your way to stop it!" I said.

"Elena I love you" he said.

"Then why'd you say that?" I asked.

"I didn't mean it"

"Then why did you say it?" I asked.

"I don't know" he muttered.

"I'm gonna need more then that!" I said.

"I DONT KNOW ELENA OKAY I DO NOT KNOW!" He screamed. He got up and hit me.


I screamed in pain as I fell to the floor, crying.

"Elena I'm so so-"

I kicked him. Hard. Right in the balls.

He fell to the ground as I called 911.

"Hello 911 what's your emergancy?"

"Hello my boyfriend just smacked me across the face I need police here now!" I yelled.

"Okay they will be in your area soon"

I locked myself in the room until the police came.

"You called the fucking police?" He asked.

"What else am I supposed to do?" I replied. He opened the door and let them in as I unlocked myself from my room.

"Hello you must be Mrs. Gomez" one of the officers said. I nodded.

"I am Officer Derek. We have to ask you afew questions" he said. I nodded along with Ashton.

"What exactly happened tonight?" He asked.

"We had an argument and he.... He got frustrated at me and.... He just came up to me and hit me" I said trying not to cry.

"Has he ever done anything abusive to you before?" He asked.

"No.." I said.

"I see....." He replied writing stuff down in this notebook.

"Now let's here your side of the story" he said turning to Ashton.

"We got in an argument and yes I did get frustrated and I used actions rather then words. After I hit her I knew what I mistake I made. I tried to apologize but she kicked me in the balls" Ashton said.

"Do you really blame her though?" He asked. Ashton ignored him.

Another policeman came running into the room. "Officer Derek, we need to go NOW!" He said.

"What about this?" He asked.

"Forget this! We found a missing child!" He said.

"A. A what?" I asked.

"We found a missing boy! He was missing for two years!" He said extatic.

"What's his name?" I asked hopeful that it was Noah.

"Noah Gomez" he said.

"THATS MY SON! THATS MY LITTLE BOY!" I yelled. I was so happy I ran up to Ashton and hugged him, forgetting about everything else.

"I'm sorry. I love you" he said.

"I love you too!" He replied.

"Mommy?" I heard. I turned around and saw a brown haired little boy covered in dirt with a blanket around him.

"Baby!!" I screamed. I ran up to him and took him out of the policeman's arms. I cradled him in my arms.

I had my boy back.

"What happened to Hannah?" Ashton asked.

"Well we found Noah in a bush by a highway and someone had found him. We believe Hannah Walsh committed suicide and left Noah here" he said.

I didn't even care.

He was back.

He was finally back.

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