Chapter 6

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"And this is the kitchen" My realtor Emily said.

"Its beautiful" I said.

"It really is"

"So, is it a yes?" She asked.

"Um let me just talk to Ashton about it." I replied.

"This house is gorgeous!" I said.

"Yes... But we dont have enough money..." He replied.

"I... I have money.." Hannah said.

"Hannh.. Would you really do that for me?" I asked.

"Well you bitches better let me move in!!" She replied. I laughed.

"Thank you so much!!!" I said hugging her.

"So...?" Emily asked. I glanced at Ashton and Hannah.

"We will take it!" I said.


"So when can we move in?" I asked Emily. We spent like 28 years filling out the papers.

"In about a week" She replied.

"Okay..." I said.

"Well... If you would want to move in earlier I can make it 3 days?" She asked.

"That would be wonderful!!" I replied.

"Then thats it! Say hello to your new home!!" Emily said. I looked at Ashton and Hannah. We all jumped up in happiness.


"Okay so on Wednesday we move in?" Hannah asked.

"Yup!! Here is one of the keys so you can just move in" I replied.

"Thanks" Hannah said. "So... I guess I will see you guys tomorrow!!" 

"Yeah for sure!!" I said hugging her. I went back into Ashtons truck.

"So... We have a house!!" I replied hugging him. He hugged back.

"Can you drive me back to school? I need my car" I said.

"Yeah for sure" He said.


"Ill see you tomorrow baby" He said kissing me.. On the lips. I kissed back. He smiled and drove off. I got into my car and drove home.


I opened my front door to see Mackenzie and Brandon watching tv.

"Hey honey!" My mom said.

"Hey mom" I replied kissing her cheek.

"Someone is in a cheery mood." She replied. I smiled and went upstairs into my room. I started to cry. I was leaving my beautiful family because of a stupid mistake I made!

I  started to feel the sickness again. I ran into my bathroom, locked the door and threw up. I started to cry. Once it stopped I flushed it up and looked at myself in the mirror. A baby was in my stomach. A baby.


(Three days later)

"Okay bye mom love you!!!" I said heading out the door. I sighed. Today was moving day. I got into my car and texted Ashton and Hannah.

Elena: Today is moving day... Im really sad.. I will meet you guys at Starbucks.

I put my phone in my purse and drove off.


"Guys I need to wait till at least 12.. My mom is still home" I said sitting next to Ashton.

"Same here, my parents dont leave till 11" Ashton replied.

"My dad is already gone..." Hannah said.

"Well lets go help you move then.." I said standing up. We got into our individual cars and drove to Hannah's house.

(15min later)

"I called the moving guys, they should be here any minute" Hannah said. I just nodded. I hated moving. I hated leaving my family. I hate what I did. But I have to. For the baby.

"Shit Hannah I have to go!! Its already 12:30 and I only have two hours to pack and move!" I said.

"Oh okay see ya in a bit" she replied hugging me.

(10min later) 

I opened my front door quietly to make sure no one was inside. Luckly no one was. I ran upstairs and grabbed a whole bunch of boxes and suitcases. I packed my mac, iphone, iphone cases, beats, beats pill, and all my clothes ontop. In another suitcase I packed all my shoes, some little things I did as a kid, my cannon camera, and my pictures of my family. 

In the last box I packed my bedding, pillows, and makeup.

I stared at my blank room. The room I grew up in. The room I have cried and laughed in. The room I lived in. I held back the tears as I grabbed my mattress and plopped it in the back of my truck. I put my suitcases and boxes inside. I ran back into my room to grab my purse.

I grabbed the note and read it over. I put it on the table with the pregnancy test beside it and the key to the house. I cried as I said goodbye to my old life and hello to my new one.


So this chapter was really quick but they ave to move in already. 

This chapter was kind of emotional too especially for Elena. 

Anywasy hope you guys enjoy and yeah...

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