Chapter 26

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I stared at Ashtons mom.

"Oh my god" she cried. She started sobbing as the kids came back to me.

"Mommy whats going on?" Gabriella asked.

"I dont know but we need to go see grandpa" I said. I grabbed their hands and went onto the elevator


We rushed to the fourth floor and saw dozens of nurses. I looked over and saw Ashton by the bench with his head in his hands again. He looked up and his eyes weere red from crying. He saw me and wiped his tears while coming closer to me.

"What happened?" His mom asked.

"I.. I dont know.. We were talking and all of the sudden he stopped. He was telling me how much he loved me and he jus.... stopped" he said. He looked away to try and hide his tears but I embraced him in a hug.

"Its okay" I said. I wasnt even sure if it was okay.

"I need to go see my husband!" His mom cried. She ran through a bunch of nurses and into the room.

"You.. You should go home with the kids" Ashton said.

"What? No I am not leaving you hear. Your dad is in trouble" I said.

"I dont want them to see him like this. I will stay here with my mom. I'll call you if anything happens" he said. I nodded.

"I love you" I said. He hugged me again.

"I love you too" he replied. When he let go he kissed me.

The kids waved goodbye as we went in the elevator.

"Mommy, is grandpa gonna be okay?" Ana asked ooking up at me.

"I dont know honey" I replied.

"Why isnt daddy here?" Noah asked.

"He needed to stay with his daddy thats why" I replied. The doors opened and I saw a bunch of camera's.

"There she is!" Someone said. I kept my head down and grabbed the kids.

"Stop! Get a life and stop ruining mine!" I screamed at them. I am not that interesting. Why do they even care anyways.

I pushed threw the crowd as they started asking questions that I ignored.

I got into the car and thankfully lost them.

I went into the drivers side and thought why do they care about me.

Then it hit me


I started making Mac and Cheese when my phone rang.

It was Josh.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Tamara wants to talk to you" he said.

"I really dont give two shits about what she has to say" I said.

"Well you should"


"Because everyone knows you got pregnant" he said. I laughed.

"No shit sherlock" I said conitnueing to laugh.

"But everyone is talking about it!!" He said.

"Look Josh, Im eighteen now. I dont care if everyone knows about me getting pregnant, I reaaaaally dont" I said hanging up. I blocked his number so hopefully he wont ever talk to me again.



She told people.

Those people told people.

"And thats why I am on the fucking news!" I screamed hitting the steering wheel. I turned around and the kids fell asleep. Thankfully.

I grabbed my phone an called Tamara.

She answered on the first ring.


"You told people" I said. She stayed silent.

"Why the fuck would you tell people?" I yelled.

"I... I dont know" She said.

"You realized you ruined my life?" I said.

"I...Im sorry" she stuttered.

"Too late for that isn't it? And you relaize I am not even mad that you told te kids in high school. I dont give a shit what they think. But someone told the media. First you take my boyfrirned from me then you ruin my life? Thanks A LOT Tamara" I screamed into the phone. I hung up and drove off


When we got home, I started making Mac and Cheese while the kiss were playing upstairs.

As I was putting it on plates, I got a call.

From my mother.

"Hello?" I asked.

"What the hell are you doing Elena! This is not how I raised you!" She yelled.

"Mom, what are you talking about?" I asked.

"I just saw the news headline. 16 year old mother is giving birth to FIVE more kids? Elena how could you?" She yelled into the phone.

"Mom calm down" I said.

"Do not tell me to calm down Elena Gomez! I TRIED to support you through the pregnancy and I hated it! I hated that you ruined your life for him but I supported it but I cannot support this Elena. I can't even look at you" she spat.

"Mom, I didnt ruin my life! Getting pregnant was a mistake but I am happier then I have ever been in my entire life!" I yelled. I heard her sobbs on the other end.

"And if you want nothing to do with me or my kids, you don't have to. Because I do not want anything to do with you!!!" I screamed.

"Elena, I hope you realize that you threw your life away. You should have stayed with Josh instead of being a slut and sleeping around" she said. Anger burst threw me.

"Actually remember on prom night when I said I stayed at Tamara's? I lied. That 'wonderful' Josh that you love, cheated on me with Tamara. Ashton found me and helped me okay? I dont even remember what happened but all I know is Ashton is a way better guy then Josh ever was to me." I yelled.

"Elena, when you realize how childish you are acting and you come back home, I wont be there for you"

"I dont want to come back home! I have  a new family with MY kids and I am going to raise them better then you raised me! I am going to give them a choice in what they want and not force them to do what you did to me!" I screamed. I heard her yelling but I didnt care. I hung up and finished putting the Mac and Cheese on the plates.

16 and Pregnant **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now