Chapter 40

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"I already told you, I love you and I will do everything in my power to make sure you are happy" he said hugging me. I smiled.

"Mommy?" Gabriella said. Ashton unhooked his arms from me and I turned around.

"Yeah?" I asked.

" Where are the babies?" She asked pointing to my stomach.

"At the hospital" I responded.

"Why?" She asked.

"They aren't feeling very well so they have to stay at the hospital for a little bit but they will be home tomorrow" I said. She nodded and ran back into her room.

Her mentioning the kids reminds me of that couple. That poor couple who lost their only kid. They only get one and I get nine? This isn't fair.

"Mommy the phone is ringing!!" Noah yelled. I ran down the hall and quickly found the phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello is Mrs. Waters there?" A voice said. I like how that sounds. Mrs. Waters.

"This is her who is speaking?" I asked.

"I work for TLC" the voice said. "We wanted to ask if we could start a reality show about your family"


"I am sorry I don't understand" I replied.

"Well we wanted to bring in camera's to your house and film you and your nine is it? Yeah nine kids and you and we wanted to film your family"

What? Why?

"I will have to um talk to my.. Fiancé about that" I said.

"Okay here is my number" they said. I looked for something to write with and found a notepad and a piece of paper and wrote it down.

I hung up the phone and slid down the wall. I ran my hand through my hair and wanted to cry and be mad and be happy and be furious. I didn't know what to do.

"Elena?" Ashton asked. I kept my head looking straight and chose not to face him.

"Elena what happened?" He asked kneeling down beside me.

"TLC called" I said. "They want to do a reality show on us"

"What?" He asked. See? This is why I didn't say anything.

"You heard me" I replied. He stood up and started pacing back and forth. He looked like he could punch anyone who walked past him.

"I need to call them back" I said. He lifted his hand to silence me. Fine. Be that way.

I am not going to allow my children to be exploited onto television. All marriages end up in divorce because of that awful network. Like look what happened to John and Kate form 'John and Kate plus 8'. They are over when they had a perfect marriage. This is not happening to me and I won't allow it to happen.

"I don't know what you're doing right now but I am going to our room if you ever want to join me" I replied passing him. I could tell he rolled his eyes at my comment. I don't care. I just gave birth to 6 kids and now they want to exploit them. I am exhausted and I smell like shit.

I went into our bedroom and into the closet. I grabbed some leggings and a sweater. It is already march. It isn't hot enough to wear anything but this.

I went into the bathroom and found a huge clear shower. I could fit all the kids in here plus myself and Ashton. I locked the door and took off my clothes. I turned on the water and stepped in.

I started thinking about TLC. Even just their call got me and Ashton snapping at each other. Maybe Ashton wants to take this opprotunity.


I will have to put my foot down on this. I don't want to seem like I am getting everything I want but I will not allow this to happen. I will give him whatever else he wants but this is the one thing I have to say no to. I can't let this happen.

I won't let this happen.

But he wouldn't want to do this either.

I don't think...

I finished washing my body and hair and stepped out of the shower. I put on my leggings and shirt and tied my hair up in the towel to dry.

I unlocked the door and stepped out to see Ashton sitting on the bed.

"Sorry" He said looking up at me.

"Its fine it doesn't matter" I replied going over to the other side of the bed. He grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"Yes it does. I should have been more open minded about this. If I would've known you wanted them to be on television I wou-"

"What?" I asked taking my arm back. He backed away in response.

"You.. You wanted them to be on television right?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Why... Why in the world would I want my kids to be exploited on television for millions to see?" I asked.

"Well, the money for starters"

"The money?" He nodded his head. "All you care about is the money?"

"What other thing is there to care about? We have a few camera men in our house filming us three times a week and they give us a check every day" He said.

"Wh-What about us?" I asked. "Most likely we won't end up together! No couples do after they get exploited on television?!" I asked.

"Will you stop using that word? Honestly we won't have this possibility again! I am just thinking about our future!" He said.

"Yeah well the only future you're thinking about is yours!" I spat. I walked out of the room and went downstairs. Alone.

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