Chapter 33

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Ashtons POV:

As the kids were eating their ice cream, we went into the elevator and I checked my phone. I had eight missed calls from Elena. Shit. I need to get there right now.

We went into the elevator as I spammed the floor button.

When The doors opened I saw my parents there sitting.

"Where is she?" My mom asked.

"In the room. Can you just...?" I asked pointing to them. They nodded and I ran into her room.

When I walked in I saww her mother standing there.

"Where have you been?" She screamed.

"The kids were hungry" I replied.

"I thought your mother wa-" she was cut off by screaming. I ran beside her and took her hand.

"Why is she here?" I asked her, referring to her mother.

"Sh-She saw the news and she wanted to see me agAIN" She screamed. She squeezed my hand and left a mark. If she squeezed any harder I would have lost circulation.

A nurse came in and stared in between Elena's legs.

"Your cirvix is at 7 centimeters now, "  The nurse said. "Maybe another hour or so. If you guys don't have baby names you should start thinking of all six of them now"

I looked at Elena.

"Six?" She asked.

"Yes the monitpr is picking up six heartbeats" She said pointing to this thing beside her.

"Are you sure one of them isn't mine" She asked. The nurse laughed.

"Nope" she replied. "Three girls and three boys"

I looked at her and smiled. "Three girls and three boys!" I said excited. She smiled back.

"What do you want to choose?" She asked.

"What about Alexis?" I asked. She smiled. Her beautiful smile that I love.

"I love that. Alexis" she repeated. I smiled at her.

"Okay and for a boy?" I asked her.

"ConnOR!!" She yelled squeezing my hand again. Another contraction.

"Yes yes that is a wonderful name" I said smiling. I couldn't seem to stop.

"Okay and for another boy?" She asked.

"Liam" I said.

"Liam" she reapeated. "How come you come up with all the amazing names?"

"Well you pick another one" I asked.

"Emily" she said.

"Emily. I love that name" I said.

"And for the last boy.. Trevor" she said.

"Trevor?" I asked. Her smile fadded.

"No no that's a good name but what about something like.. Trenton" I said. She gave a horrifying expression.

"No. What about.. Tristan" she said. I loved it.

"I love it!" I said. She smiled.

"Okay and for the last girl you can pick" she said. I don't know. I would pick Abbie but then there are three A's. Anastacia, Abbie, and Alexis. But I like that name.

"Abbie" I said. Her eyes lit up.

"I love that name!!" She said. I smiled. I turned around remembering her mother was there.

16 and Pregnant **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now