Ivory (NSFW)

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This was a request on tumblr for Chishiya's and the reader's wedding night. Needless to say, it contains NSFW content (:

[Req.: "Can I request a one shot where the reader and Chishiya spend their wedding night. I mean knowing Chishiya I don't know how he would handle being that intimate with someone and the reader is too shy and afraid to cross the line of Chishiya. Thanks!"]

You had always imagined your wedding to be a fairytale wedding, with a bright white dress, tons of flowers and hundreds of people looking at nothing but you as you danced through the hall in the arms of your prince charming.

Of course, your actual wedding had been nothing like that. You had your fabulous bridal gown, though it was more ivory than white, and the flower decorations were wonderful as well. But there were no white horses carrying you to your castle, no huge halls filled with music and dancers. It was a decent location with enough space for a few dozen people, mostly your family and friends because Chishiya barely had any people he wanted to see on this special day.

And yet it was the most beautiful day of your life.

This has been exactly how you expected marrying someone like Chishiya would be, you think with a smile on your face. The party is over; people are tired now that the sun is about to go up again in less than an hour. The last remaining ones are cheering at Chishiya and you, clapping their hands as Chishiya lifts you up in his arms.

The movement feels clumsy, not because he would be too weak to carry you, but because the dress is filling so much space he can barely see anything in front of his feet. No one but you can see the slight displeasure in his face, but he carries you nonetheless because he knows people wouldn't give in otherwise.

At least it's not too far to the room that was been prepared for you two.

"You know, I don't stand on ceremony that much," you whisper to him with a smile, and he answers with the smirk you love so much.

He rolls his eyes when he answers, again only visible to you. "This is the only way to make sure they'll leave us in peace."

The handful of people accompanies you to the room, whistling and dropping hints to what is supposed to happen now. You hide your face in Chishiya's chest so they won't see the blush in your face at that thought, though it's stupid. You two are married now, why are you so nervous about this?

Someone opens the door for you, and Chishiya carries you over the threshold. The noises drown out behind you as the door snaps shut, and you're let down again in a gentle move. Unbelievable how much your feet hurt from hours and hours of dancing.

"Oh no." Chishiya's voice is filled with disbelief, and as you catch what he is talking about, you burst out laughing.

The whole room is filled with heart-shaped balloons and confetti. The bed itself is covered in rose petals, and a champagne bottle has been lovingly arranged in the middle together with two glasses.

The walls are decorated with banners and even more balloons as well, all held in pink and red.

"Kuina didn't laze around for sure," you grin as you look around. Besides you, Chishiya snorts once more.

Your eyes grow big as you stare at the things he's holding into the air. "I'm sure Niragi did his part as well."

The handcuffs and leather whip definitely were not Kuina's idea, and you don't even dare to look at the other things still resting on the shelf. Chishiya places the tools back there, shaking his head. No way you'll use a single thing of these.

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