School Reunion

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[Req.: "I was wondering if you could do like a one shot about Chishiya where he gets jealous? Idk if that's too out of charecter but yeah."]

Chishiya never wanted to accompany you to that school reunion in the first place. Yet he is here, walking right next to you into the huge hall, festively decorated and full of people. Most of the faces are familiar to you – even though you don't know all of their names, you do remember at least the courses you had been to together. The other ones new to you are most likely the partners, and you are excited to see what has become out of the people you had called friends or enemies for so many years.

You had planned to go there alone, like you always did – Chishiya really was no party person – but some old school friends of you wanted to meet him so badly, and it took a whole evening of sweet words and puppy eyes to finally convince him. Which he obviously regrets already the moment loud music and disco lights greet you, but you are too hyped to see all those people again to care that much.

"Ichika!!" The first face to catch your attention is a tall woman with long black hair tied up in a high bun, and the subtle makeup underlines her features perfectly. She is dressed in a bright red glittering dress that shows more skin than it hides, but if someone has the figure to wear that, it's her.

You'd decided for a dress as well, but it doesn't have that much glitter except a few little details and definitely covers more than just the bare minimum. It's what most women have chosen, and most of the men wear suits as well. Some have come here with just plain shirt and jeans, and Chishiya definitely isn't the only one with casual clothes. Coming here with you was already a lot to ask, but wearing a suit? Hell, no. Dark blue jeans, a basic shirt and the hoodie he loves the most – the white one with dark grey elements around the zipper and the hood.

Ichika, who has been one of your closest friends during middle school, pulls you into a hug and squeezes tight. "SO good to see you! How long has it been – five years? Six?"

Both of you excitedly talk about your current situations, about jobs and men and whatnot, and while you wallow in memories of school days long gone by, Chishiya nudges your shoulder with a glass of champagne. You didn't even realize that he left, but that's what you love about him. He's not the one to talk that much, he simply does what is right.

And even when Ichika starts to bomb him with questions, he has the audacity to calmly sip his lemonade while he manages to avoid almost every single personal question, causing Ichika to swap back to you soon.

She is interested in everything: how you and Chishiya met, about your future plans, if you heard the latest rumors about some former class mates. Ichika herself came here alone and doesn't hesitate to tell you that she isn't interested in any kind of relationship that lasts longer than one night, at least for now. You do catch her how she watches some of the male and single-looking men inside the hall though.

The music that you have barely noticed until now changes into a slow and romantic song, and you turn to Chishiya with the puppy eyes he loves and hates so much. It did work for him to accompany you here, but dancing is a completely different topic.

"No." Chishiya shakes his head in a way that leaves no other option.

"Come on, please!"

"You've heard me. No."

Ichika laughs next to you and pulls on your arms. "If he doesn't want to dance, I'll do it." She takes the glass and hands it over to Chishiya, and before he can even say something, Ichika guides you to the dance floor and places her hand on your shoulder.

You start to dance with a grin on your face. "You know that I'm not available for your nightly adventures, right?"

"Pah! Who says you can't just have fun dancing with an old friend?" She pokes your side, and in the few times the crowd makes way so you can throw a look at Chishiya, you can see how he is watching you with a smirk on his face.

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