Goodbye, my Friend

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This one is for @vesta-ro. They requested a scenario based on the CiaD-Y/N, where they and Kyuuma had been really close in the real life and they get a chance to say goodbye before the end of the King of Clubs game. Which doesn't please Chishiya at all :D

It was really fun to work on something a bit different this time!


Leaving the camp and all your friends still feels wrong somehow. The Witch Hunt has caused so many deaths and the survivors just found together again, only for you to scoot away with Chishiya early in the morning. Has Kuina been mad when waking up and noticing you weren't there anymore, or wasn't she surprised at all? Will they be fine? What games will they choose to play, and who will survive till the end?

What games will you play?

Everything about the second stage is uncertain. It is obviously much more dangerous and difficult than what you went through these last weeks, and it scares you. Having Chishiya on your side is only a mild comfort in that, since he will most likely chase every single Diamonds game he can find and you can't tell what feels worse – knowing he could die in one of them or being left alone since you definitely won't accompany him into one.

On top of that, what if Chishiya decides your presence has been enough? That man really has a talent to leave unnoticed at every occasion, and there's always a chance of waking up one morning without him next to you. It is a frightening thought, that he might leave you and die in a game, and you'd never know what happened to him, but this is the way games are played in this world.

So many deaths. Quick ones, slow ones. The trauma it caused the survivors is never to be forgotten. And still... up to this day, none of the deceased ones has been close to you. There have been a couple of faces you recognized from real life; people you had sometimes passed in stores and cafés or something, but none you'd call an acquaintance or even friend.

The more you think about it, the less you want to see an old friend here. The chance of them dying is far too big, and you're not sure that's a pain you would be able to handle.

The fear of losing Chishiya is already enough, and the same goes for the new friends you have made since arriving here – the ones that are still alive after all.

You gulp when the image of Ichika's lifeless body emerges from your memories, shot dead by Niragi who has mercilessly hunted down anyone in the Beach to find the Witch. Just another reminder that Death never makes fair choices but ones a simple human will never comprehend.

The dark thoughts make you completely unobservant to your surroundings, and only the sound of a loud Gong! causes you to flinch and finally look up from the splintered concrete beneath your feet. You frantically look around to find its source, until Chishiya nods towards a clock tower in the distance, announcing the time as 12AM. Right above the clock face you notice two stag heads bumping their antlers against each other, twelve times in total.

"Twelve times..." you mutter, and Chishiya hums, understanding your thoughts. "...twelve games. The start signal."

Further away, the echo of shots bounces off the walls around you, making you shiver. A sniper, most likely, and you suppose they belong to one of the games. The second stage has begun and already people are dying.

"Chishiya..." you begin, your voice merely more than a whisper, "I know you'll want to participate in one of the Diamonds games. But... can we keep on walking, for just a bit longer? The fresh air helps to clear my mind, and I don't think all three Diamonds games will be cleared that fast."

His grunt is more than enough proof that he doesn't like that idea too much, but he doesn't keep you from heading towards the river. You reach for his hand, glad that he accompanies you anyway. A bit more of peace is all you want before diving head first into new games, and you have a feeling that the water will be the perfect place to provide that to you.

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