A Father's Sacrifice

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[Req.: "just need some angst to the whole chishiya as a father au HHAHAHA i will not apologize to your readers.

anyways just him and his daughter in the car on their way home, and all is fine. she's playing with her toys while he's focusing on the road, but he doesn't even notice the car heading straight for them. long story short chishiya sacrifices himself to save her. and even know he normally doesn't put himself on the line for others and he doesn't want her to be fatherless, at least he dies knowing she'll live."]


The sun has long disappeared behind the horizon even though it's merely past dinner time. It's winter after all, and while the city is overflowing with colorful lights and Christmas decorations, the highway leading home is mostly dark. Only the lights of the car are there to make the snow piles on the sides glow with the fresh snakes falling, and now and then, another car will pass by, its lights vanishing into the dark as quickly as they had come.

It is silent, too. The heater is running comfortably and buzzing faintly, while the quiet rhythm of a song is playing in the radio. Chishiya has turned the volume down so his daughter could sleep a bit, since it has been an exhausting day for her. Visiting the parts of your family living a bit outside of the city, eating not only one but two strawberry crepes on the Christmas fair, and the three rounds on the merry-go-away. All of that must be tiring for a four-year-old, and the last time Chishiya has checked the rearview mirror, his little girl had been deep asleep.

When he takes a look now, he can see her with eyes half open, a doll resting in her lab. Most of the play seems to take place inside her head since she's not talking and not really moving the toy, but the smile on her lips is as blissful as it could be.

The sight of the doll makes Chishiya smirk. No matter how many new toys you would gift her, the little bean will always return to this doll. She probably doesn't even remember where she got it from, since you have found it together with her while searching through the attic, and while it looks a bit worn already, it will remain her favorite probably for forever.

Focusing back on the street, Chishiya already counts the minutes until he will be home again. With you. He likes to drive, but the day has been long for him as well and the winter streets don't make it easier. And since you have already told him that his favorite dish would be ready when he returns, those last 30 minutes can't pass quickly enough. Of course he still drives carefully, not even as fast as he'd be allowed to. There's no use in taking a risk just for some food, even less with his child sitting in the back.

This girl is his everything, after all. He would have never thought that possible, but as soon as you were carrying that reddened, smeared baby in your arms, something had changed him. And now, four years later, he's already dreading the moment where his little girl will be all grown up and leaving the home he has built together with you. Fascinating how such a tiny human being can have such a huge impact on someone like him.

Part of him even finds joy in thinking about a second child, but another part is afraid that the second baby won't be such an angel as his daughter. He doesn't believe in God or any other deity for that matter, but there's no other term fitting that girl better. The more he thinks about it, the more he finds hints indicating that this idea might not be too far from reality. You haven't said anything about another pregnancy so far, and yet there would be some signs... Most of all the fact that you're making such a fuss about tonight's dinner...

Just 20 minutes to go. A Christmas song is playing in the radio, and Chishiya really wants to switch to another radio station. He knows better since it is one of his daughter's favorites, and as long as she's awake, he couldn't do that without having to listen to her complaints for the rest of the drive.

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