It Should Have Been Me

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This was requested by @KatKirishima over tumblr x3

!! Spoilers for the Manga ending ahead !!

[Req.: "I've been meaning to ask, how do you think Chishiya would react if the reader (I know that would be a little bit impossible but let's pretend) was able to get near him fast enough to, instead of Chishiya receiving the shot that was meant to Usagi , she was the one that sacrificed herself for Usagi (I guess in this case it would be for Chishiya because he was in near/front of her)."]

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The highway is partly cracked and overgrown with grass, and dozens if not hundreds of cars are scattered everywhere over it. One figure is lingering on top of one car, his upper body wrapped in cloth stripes and bandages and pointing a rifle at someone else. Judging by the dreadful laughter and his wrecked appearance, this can only be Niragi. Kuina told you he's still alive, even though you didn't want to believe it.

His gun is pointed to that climber girl from the Beach – Usagi? – and hiding behind another car, armed with a rifle as well, stands Arisu, who cries out for Usagi with a panicked vice. But you don't care for them the slightest bit, because in the next moment, you catch sight of another figure leaning against the side of the car. He looks pale, and his left shoulder is covered in dark crimson.

And Niragi is about to shoot.


You don't wait a single moment longer before your feet fly over the asphalt as you're running down the hill as fast as you can. Chishiya has taken a step away from the car to shield Usagi, and in the moment you shout out his name, he turns his eyes towards you. They grow big and you fear that you have been too slow, when a huge fireball explodes inside your chest, tearing you to the ground.

The pain is so strong you can't breathe, as if a whole car fell down onto your chest, preventing it from filling with air. It burns hot while the rest of your body grows cold immediately, and there is no doubt about this being the end.

Such a pity, though. All those things you still wanted to do, all the chances you have missed and couldn't retry...

"You really were stupid enough to sacrifice your life for someone else."

With your sight being blurred it's hard to make out what exactly is happening around you, but this is Chishiya's voice without doubt. You reach out your hand, or at least you try to do, and his fingers intertwine with yours. If only you could see his face now!

"Only... for you."

Speaking is hard, it hurts and demands more strength than you can bear, but you try anyway. For Chishiya.

"So utterly stupid." His voice is feint, almost like a whisper, and you feel sorry for troubling him like this. You're glad to have saved him, but he shouldn't have to see you like this. You can't imagine having to see him in your situation instead; the thought of it alone hurts almost more than your wound.

"It was good... because otherwise... you'd have been... shot... instead of me..."


Even now he's just Chishiya, and it makes you smile. You remember the time he said that sacrificing one's life for someone else is foolish and he would never do that. But you can hear it in his voice that he wants you unharmed instead of him.

But whatever happened, it can't be changed now and you don't regret it. Sure, the pain is so strong that you want to feint, it tears your chest apart with every breath you manage to make, but Chishiya is alive and he will live on. He will return to the other word and maybe even remember you. That is what matters.

A heavy cough shakes your body, and you whimper at the ache you suffer. It will be peaceful to give in to the dullness pulling at your limbs already.

Chishiya carefully grabs your shoulders and pulls you into a hug while your arms and legs grow cold. You don't have to say it. Both of you know what is happening – but you're not afraid. This place is familiar to you already.

"Guess you'll... never tell me... that you... love me now..."

Instead of an immediate answer, Chishiya presses your body tightly against his chest and hides his face inside your hair. You know that this move should hurt... a lot. But you're barely feeling it, already drifting away to that comfortable place you have visited before, only that this time you'll be allowed to stay.

One last time you feel Chishiya's breath on your skin, shaking so slightly that you would almost haven't recognized it. And yet it's the following words guarding you safely to the other side.

"I do."

Bodies grow cold so quickly. Chishiya can feel the changes already while she's still in his arms, a cruel sign that death doesn't wait for anyone to leave prepared.

The moment he said those words, a blazing pain went through his chest, only to disappear as quickly as it had come and leaving nothing. Not even a feeling of emptiness. Just nothing.

Something like this has happened before, but this time it's definite. She's gone and she won't return. Not through his call, not through a miracle. She even took all the warmth and comfort with her.

What an egoistic move for a selfless person like her.

Chishiya places her down into the rain-soaked ground and deeply breathes out. His shoulder hurts and requires treatment soon if he wants it to heal properly, but it is something he barely realizes.

He has loved her. He didn't know that it had been love – the comfort, the warmth and even the arguments. But in the moment he said it, he knew it had been true.

But that's not relevant any longer.

Love is nothing but a weakness, after all. He had given in to it, had gotten used to it, maybe even addicted. And now nothing remains.

She should have stayed away from him. Stick with Kuina after their last arguement, return to the normal world, live a life without him. She should have lived.

It would have been easier for him to live on with the knowledge that she's out there, not even remembering him years in the future, than to accept that he has to go back to a world that doesn't want him, with no one there waiting to change that.

"You... you can stay with her, if you want." Usagi kneels down next to him, tears leaving wet traces on her skin. It is too familiar.

"We... Arisu and I are going to find the last game and clear it. So we all can return home."

Home. There is no home. Not anymore.

Chishiya shakes his head and gets up, pulling the hood over his face the way he likes to do.

"That won't help anyone. There's a game waiting to be cleared, so let's go."

Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now