Oranges and Cinnamon

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[Req.: "Heyy, could you make chishiya and reader bathing together?"]


The whole apartment smells like candles - a mixture of burning wax and berry scent - and the intense smelling bathing essence you have bought recently. A mix of orange and cinnamon, just fitting for the cold time of the year.

You throw a last look at your phone, but Chishiya still hasn't read the message asking him if he wants to come over. It's been almost seven hours since you sent it, and you have long given up the hope that he'll still come. So you decided to use your time and relax with a nice long bath, your favorite tea and a good book in case you want to read a bit.

Everything's ready and waiting next to the bathtub, the water is pleasantly warm and you won't have any appointments left for the day. No phone calls that need to be made, no laundry waiting for you to take care of. A perfect lazy evening, only that you'll have to enjoy it without Chishiya.

You sigh as you pull off your clothes, dropping them into the clothes basket and placing a fresh set next to it. Being close to Chishiya is always a surprise, you never know what you'll get. Sometimes it's his work, extra shifts that he needs to take, emergencies that require more time, sometimes he simply has other ideas than spending the day with you. Nothing personal, just Chishiya being... well, Chishiya. You have gotten used to that already.

The tips of your toes touch the water, still hesitant to dip in completely because you misjudged the temperature, which only means it will stay warm longer, when the doorbell rings. Jumping at the sudden sound, you almost slip into the bath tub and barely manage to hold your balance, cursing under your breath.

Who on earth would destroy such a promising evening just now? It's late, and you didn't expect any friends to come over...

You hastily throw your bathing gown over your shoulders, pulling it together at your middle to hide your body. Part of you hopes that whoever it is might be gone already when you reach the door, too impatient to wait. But when you pull down the handle and the cool winter air greets your skin, you notice the shadow lurking next to the door.


Both happy and annoyed, you manage a lopsided grin and wave him in so you won't stand outside like this any longer. He follows without any questions, quickly closing the door behind him before he musters you from head to toe.

"I can come back tomorrow since you seem to be... busy."

His smirk teases a laugh out of you and you roll your eyes. "No idea what you're thinking, but I was just going to take a bath. Can't blame me for making evening plans when you don't respond for a whole day, right?"

Chishiya doesn't seem touched by your sassy comment, for he just stands there in the hallway, shoes and jacket still on, as if he wants to leave again immediately. At least he lifts his hands in a half-hearted apology. "I left my phone at home, although it's not relevant. I'll go and you take your bath, and-"

You reach for his wrist, pulling him closer to you. He hasn't kissed you since he's here, and you quickly make sure to change that. His lips are cold from the winter air, but the touch still warms you up. "Why don't you stay and join me?"

"In the bath?" he raises a brow, and you nod.

"Yes. Just a bath. Nothing... you know. Why not relax together?" You can't tell why it makes you blush to say that, since it shouldn't be weird to ask your boyfriend to take a bath with you. The music from the bathroom reaches your ear, a soothing mix of music and nature sounds, and it smells so tempting that you really don't want to remain in the hallway any longer, shuddering under your gown. "Listen, I want to take that bath. And I want to spend time with you, now that you're here. So why not combine it and do both?"

Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now