Fluffy Prompts Part I

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These little Oneshots have been written for asks based on a Fluffy Prompts list hat I posted on my tumblr. I was a little overwhelmed by the amount of asks, so here's the first three of them :D

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[This reminded me of you.] & ["You're such an idiot." – "But I'm your idiot."]

Days at the Beach can be quite boring at times. When there are no games for you to play, no great movies to watch because some weirdos have occupied the cinema hall to waste their time with one of these stupid wannabe-action blots, you sometimes just don't know what to do with your time. Reading a book becomes boring after a couple of hours, and strolling into the kitchen every now and then isn't the best option either. The food stays the same, no matter how many times you open the fridge.

As you lay on the bed and watch a spider crawl across the ceiling, your hand casually moves over the stuffed panda bear next to you - or better what's left of it.

Some player has had the great idea to take a dog along with him a couple of days ago, and while the Beach loved the puppy at first, it obviously turned out to prefer making chaos over pets and cuddles. Which you learned the hard way after you had let your door stay open for less than an hour, and yet it had been enough for said pup to enter your room and destroy not only the panda bear but most of your mattress as well.

The mattress has been easily replaced, but for the panda it's a shame. You don't even know where it came from, since it had already been inside the room when it had been assigned to you, but somehow you had grown fond of the little stuffy.

Above your head, the spider stops moving, and you exhale an annoyed sigh. Most of your friends are out and playing games, and the few who remain here are already drunk or occupied with someone else.

All... except one.

With a shy grin, you get up and leave the room. Your feet automatically lead you to another door, as plain and nondescript as yours, and your heartbeat increases at the thought of who will be behind it.

Up to this day, you're not sure what exactly this is between Chishiya and you. There has been a couple of kisses already, expressive glances and hugs lasting eternities without a single word spoken, but... all of it only happens inside his room. Whenever you meet in the open, crowded areas of the Beach, it's almost like Chishiya doesn't even know you.

Somehow, you don't mind too much.

A hesitant knock sounds when your hand touches the wooden door, and Chishiya calls you in. He can already tell it's you just by the sound of your knock, and probably because no one else is there who would enter his room at this time of day.


"Hey." Unlike usually, Chishiya isn't sitting on his bed and tinkering around or reading. He has placed himself in front of his wardrobe, hair still damp from showering and holding one of his white hoodies in his hands.

You swallow at the sight of his bare upper body, but he doesn't seem to notice. He slips into the hoodie as if he had all time in the world, and you make yourself comfortable on the end of his bed. Trying to avoid the blush in your face, you keep your eyes glued to the pattern of the blanket under your feet. Last time you had been here, it had been grey and black circles, and now it's lines and squares in all hues of brown.

"Do you have some time to spare? I... have no idea what to do."

Chishiya chuckles and you hear the clack as one of the wardrobe doors closes. "As long as you didn't come to whine about some silly stuffed bear."

Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now