Feverish Dreams

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[Req.: "So here goes one of my requests "reader taking care of Chishiya while he is sick" although he would complain about being able to take care of himself, deep down he is happy that someone is taking care of him? "]


Chishiya Shuntarou has never been sick. In all the years since you've been together, you have never even caught him with a simple cold. Nor did he ever explain about a headache or a troubling stomach, and you have assumed that he's either extremely good at hiding such things, or he simply can't get sick.

Until today.

Something already feels off when you walk through the door, and it's completely dark and silent. Chishiya is home, you can tell because of his things that are neatly arranged in the wardrobe, but there's no TV or music running. Not even the light is burning in the living room.

"Shuntarou? Everything alright?" you hesitantly ask as soon as you step into the darkness, fumbling for the switch. A pained groan is the immediate answer after bright light floods the area around the sofa, and you turn around just in time to catch some strands of blonde hair disappearing under a thick woolen blanket. It's not even that cold!

Unsure what to do with his weird behavior, you carefully step closer and sit down right next to where you suppose Chishiya's head to be. You remove the blanket inch by inch so you can see him, and you can't hide the grin at the complaining noises he makes. Something's definitely not right, since he has his eyes tightly shut and his mouth drawn into a thin line.

Touching his glowing forehead confirms your theory: Chishiya is running on a fever. He is burning hot and yet seems to freeze like in the deepest winter, indicating that the fever is still rising. "How did you manage that now, hmm?" you chuckle while tucking the blanket back around Chishiya, leaving just enough space so he can breathe properly. The only answer you get is a grumble, and he turns around so he faces the back of the sofa, probably to avoid the bright light.

You stroke his hair for a couple of minutes, trying to tickle some words out of him, but he refuses to talk. When it becomes obvious that this won't change for a while, you get up again and dim the lights in the room, switching on the smaller lamps instead of the big one on the ceiling. You also grab a second blanket and put it over Chishiya, since he's still shivering, and prepare a pot of tea. Chamomile usually does best in such a situation, and you even add some honey because Chishiya is a sweet tooth.

Once the temperature has cooled down until it's comfortably drinkable, you return to your patient who has turned back around now that the light isn't blinding him any longer. He even watches you with one half-opened eye, although it's covered with a glassy layer.

"I don't need your help", he mutters as you hand him a cup of tea, barely able to lift it himself, however you leave him that bit of dignity. His voice is hoarse and weak, and wherever he has caught that fever, it must be a heavy one.

You watch how he takes a couple of sips and place the cup back on the table. "I am going to help you anyway. We'll want you to get better as soon as possible, don't we?" Giving him a kiss onto his forehead only leads to another grumble. The fact that Chishiya seems to turn into a querulous child as soon as he gets sick somehow makes him even more adorable, but of course he's still Chishiya.

"...don't need that. Just some sleep and tomorrow I'll go back to work."

"Sure, sure." While you make sure that he drinks some more of the tea, you return to caressing his hair, and this time he doesn't even complain. Soon enough you hear how his breathing slows down and he falls into a light slumber, so he doesn't take note of how you reach for his phone and disable his alarm. He doesn't notice that you text his boss, telling him that Chishiya has to call in sick for a couple of days. That man can be stubborn enough to actually walk to work in his state of health, and you won't let that happen. Not only would it be foolish to enter a hospital with an infectious fever, but he couldn't even complete the easiest tasks like that.

Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now