Kitten Parenting

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The kitten immediately turned out to be the Beach's main attraction for the next couple of days. Everyone wanted to cuddle, pet and play or simply adore the little ball of floof, who obviously enjoyed the attention more than anyone else.

Hatter had allowed you on the day after that game to leave the Beach and gather the necessary utensils to raise the cutie you had quickly named "princess", and while one of the Militants accompanied you to make sure you wouldn't just run off with one of their cars, it was great to simply stroll through a pet shop and grab any kinds of food and toys you could find.

Chishiya wasn't too happy about a cat toilet in your bathroom, but he didn't complain as long as you promised to keep it clean. It was a welcome distraction to take care of the kitten, to feed it every few hours, play with it, or simply watch how it fell asleep in your lap.

Princess was still too small to handle the stairs on her own, but there would always be a volunteer to carry her around wherever she wanted to go. And for the next few days, you didn't even have the time to get bored. It was also exhausting at times, of course. Since princess woke up several times at night crying for food, you went to bed early and got up as late as possible.

While it was normal for Chishiya to get up long before you, you used to fall asleep in his arms almost every night. But with the kitten demanding your attention now, he'd barely find you still awake when he went to bed, and you were too occupied and too tired to bother.

Once again, you woke up in the middle of the night by a tiny paw kicking your nose. At first you thought that princess was hungry again, but it turned out she was still asleep and simply searching for a more comfortable position right next to your face. You smiled and raised your hand to tickle the soft white belly, and your eyes caught something else while doing so.

Chishiya was awake as well, watching you with his dark eyes as if he didn't sleep at all. You wondered for a moment if princess woke him up just like you, but he seemed too thoughtful for that.

"Can't sleep?" you murmured as you carefully moved the paw away from your eye and suppressed a yawn. The blonde next to you lowered his eyes the slightest bit which equaled a nod, and you only now noticed the furrow of his brows.

Placing your hand onto his warm cheek, you held the gaze of those brown orbs that you loved so much. "What's wrong?"

Chishiya continued to watch you in silence for a few more moments and you were sure that he would tell you, when there was just a snort instead. His eyes moved up to princess, peacefully sleeping in between your pillows. "Nothing." And then he turned around.

It was a lie, obviously, and it hurt you to know that there was something he didn't want to tell you. Sure, you both had secrets and you didn't expect him to tell you everything. But you had a feeling that this had something to do with you, only that you couldn't seem to be able to find it out.

"Listen, if there's something I can do to help you feel better-" a meow interrupted you and the sight of Chishiya was suddenly blocked by the face of a hungry kitten. You sighed and lifted your upper body to ready the bottle with cat milk, when there was another grunt coming from Chishiya.

"Sorry. Just give me five minutes to feed princess. We can talk then if you want, okay?"

He didn't answer, and when you returned to the bed a couple of minutes later, he pretended to sleep and didn't react to your words and kisses.

The next morning you woke up alone. Chishiya's side of the bed was already cold and princess was busying herself with a piece of paper that she chased through the room, barely paying any attention to you as you got out of the bed.

You wanted to talk to Chishiya, wanted to know what was wrong, but you couldn't find him anywhere. He wasn't in the breakfast room, not in an executives meeting, not even on the roof. No one had seen him, not even Kuina, and after running up and down the whole Beach at least two or three times, you gave up and dropped yourself to the floor of the rooftop.

This feeling that something was off had started a few days after the last game. Maybe it had something to do with princess? Sure, all your attention had been demanded by her alone since you found her in that game area. But it wasn't as if you had spent every single moment with Chishiya before, so could that really be the reason?

It was just when you wanted to get back to princess and the others when you heard the door open and close behind you. A look over your shoulder confirmed that it was indeed Chishiya, and he seemed just as surprised to see you as you were to see him.

He sat down next to you but kept his eyes glued to the sky. "Where's your precious cat?" he said mockingly, and it almost sounded more like an insult than fun.

"Tatta is taking care of her", you answered and reached for his hand, a small but important gesture to both of you. He hesitated to take it at first, but then you felt his fingers tighten around yours. As long as he did that, the world was at least not going down completely. And yet the way how he talked about princess made you sad. "I didn't know you dislike her so much."

Chishiya sighed, his lips curled into a weary smile. "It is hard to like something that managed to replace me that easily."

You reached for his face with your free hand and turned it around so he had to look at you. "So you are jealous!"

He wanted to break away from your hold but you took the other hand to hold him tight, not allowing him to get away from this conversation that easily. "Princess isn't replacing anyone. No one could replace you, you should know that better than anyone!"

"And yet you don't have eyes for anything else. You wouldn't even notice if I decided to move to another room."

You only began to understand how deep Chishiya's discontent really went since he pretty much never went that dramatic, and it made you grin despite the circumstances. "Oh, love. Nothing will ever cause me to forget about you or to stop caring. For now, princess needs me, but it won't last forever. What will never change though is the fact that I love you. I promise."

"You shouldn't make a promise that you can't keep." He was obviously not entirely happy with the fact that you still had to look after princess, but at least the hint of a smile on his face was honest now.

You leaned forward for a kiss, realizing that there hadn't been a real kiss during these last days. But never would you get tired of the butterflies inside your stomach as your lips came closer. "Believe me, this one will be easy to keep."

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