The Straw to Break the Camel's Back

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[Req. by  saulelegelele : "i thought about it some time ago but something like, we all know that chishiya rarely shows any affection and reader has absolutely no problems with that, but after extremely hard day she really wanted someone to comfort her, but the lack of comfort from chishiya was annoying her so she tried to break up with him."]


Sometimes, days are just bad. Very, very bad.

You have lived through such times before, and you know they end. But it doesn't change the fact that here and now, all you want is throw your head into the next pillow and cry for an hour straight. You want to be wrapped in a warm blanket, with a mug of hot chocolate and something nice to snack next to you.

And yet you know that you won't get that, unless you do it yourself.

The sigh comes out of your mouth in a shaky breath, silent enough for the others around you not to be heard but it's still hard for you not to cry immediately. Why do people have to be so nasty around you, and why do they always choose the days that have already been terrible from the start?

The moment you woke up, you had known that it would have been better to turn around and sleep until the next morning comes. You couldn't do that, of course, and you fought through the day as best as you could. Now you're tired to the bone and exhausted, you are in terrible need for some comfort and a weeklong vacation without any of these people you never want to see again. With billions of people on this planet, you can name only one person you want to see right now.

A huge load of the weight falls off your heart already the moment you step through the door and close it behind you, leaning your back against the cold material. They can't follow you to this place, to your safe haven.

You slowly slip out of your shoes, your heart jumping slightly at the sight of another pair standing next to them that doesn't belong to you. Chishiya is home at least, and he'll surely be able to lift your mood. Of course you know that Chishiya won't be the one to soothe you with sweet words and gestures - that simply isn't him, and you know him well enough to not expect that - but he, too, is able to comfort you in his own distinct ways.

As you step through the hallway and enter the living room, you notice the feint scent of disinfectant and strawberries that lingers in the air. It is a strange combination, indicating that Chishiya has not been home for too long but he already managed to take a shower, using the shampoo you once bought more as a joke before it turned out that he actually loves it.

Chishiya is sitting on the sofa, hair still damp and dressed in comfy clothes, while he zaps through the TV in search for something useful to watch. He doesn't seem to have much success.

You slump down next to him with another sigh, not as shaky this time but still clearly indicating that you're done with everything, and lean your head against Chishiya's shoulder. The strawberries are stronger now that he has taken off his work clothes, and he hums instead of a greeting.

"Did I ever mention how much I hate people?" you mutter as you close your eyes, causing Chishiya to chuckle.

"Plenty of times."

"Well then..." you try to grab the soft blanket lying at the other side of the couch with your feet and grab it up to you, "can't stress it enough. I. Hate. People."

Chishiya gives no answer. Not that you'd expected one, really; you don't mind a silent cuddling session on the sofa as well. It'd definitely help to recover from this day's strains, only that Chishiya seems to have different plans. He switches the TV off and gets up, causing you to almost topple over from the sudden loss of support.

Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now