Call Me Buttercup

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It has been Kuina's idea in the first place. Chishiya has always been more than subtle about his birthday, rarely telling anyone the exact date and never celebrating it. You have learned about it more by accident, and he probably wouldn't have told you if you hadn't seen his ID card anyway. And once Kuina knew that you knew, it was impossible to resist the ways of torture she had in mind to tickle the secret out of you.

That – curiosity leading to bribe and unfair methods by your friend – was the beginning of what would turn into the very first secret birthday party for Chishiya Shuntarou.

More than once now, you have been sure that it's a bad idea. That he won't like it, that he in fact will be mad at you for telling others about his birthday. But then again, he has never had a birthday party, not even as a child, and you can't let it stay like this. Every person deserves a nice birthday with a cake, presents and cool people, and you will do it in a way that even Chishiya has to like.

It won't be a party over the top, you have a decent but very delicious cake, some small presents that will be really useful to him and just a handful of people. People you'd call his closest friends or at least the closest to friends he has: Kuina of course, together with An, and then there's Arisu and Usagi. More than enough for a first, since you don't want it to be weird.

Now that you're all sitting together in the living room and discuss the final plans, you're more than grateful to have An and Usagi at your side. If Kuina and Arisu had been allowed to decide everything, this would have been a party with a huge piñata, stupid hats and lots of confetti. Maybe even pot hitting or something similar.

You do have a bit of decoration, balloons at the walls and two garlands hanging across the room, but that's all. Chishiya likes it decent, which should be more than obvious with the first look at your shared apartment.

The cake has been sponsored by Kuina's mother, who has just gotten out of hospital two months ago. A nursing service is now taking care of her while Kuina is at work, but the kind woman is more than glad to have left the plain white hospital walls. Glad enough that she immediately agreed to bake a frosted strawberry cake with white chocolate chips, and you already know from the other cakes she has made that this one will taste like heaven. You can't wait to taste it.

An has brought some muffins as well, but the chocolate topping barely hides the burnt surface. She tried, at least, and that's what counts.

Three presents rest on the cupboard next to the laid table (no cheesy napkins despite Arisu's suggestion); a book about surgery, new stereo equipment and a CD of Chishiya's favorite musician. The newest album that he definitely hasn't bought yet.

"We hide behind the sofa when he comes, right?" exclaims Kuina as excited as a small child, and you shake your head with a snort.

"No. We won't do that – we'll simply wait here for him to come home. The surprise will be enough already."

An agrees, catching herself a side punch from Kuina, but the sound of the elevator doors opening leaves no time for further discussions. Within seconds, footsteps approach the door and a key is turned around. Chishiya's blonde hair is the first thing you notice, and he keeps his head down, giving you another precious second to prepare a huge grin on your face until he finally lifts his eyes to the people sitting on the sofa.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" While the others still cheer, you're the first one to get up and put Chishiya into a tight hug. He stands there like frozen, immediately aware of what you have done, and obviously not sure how he should think about it.

"Happy Birthday", you whisper into his ear as you place a kiss into his lips. At least that is reciprocated.

Chishiya drops the keys into the box and closes the door behind him, smoothly getting out of his jacket while he does so. He then lowers down on the sofa, between Kuina and Arisu, who hug and congratulate him happily.

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