Words Sharp as Needles

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[Req.: "you could do one where chishiya says something that hurts her in a fight so she keeps ignoring him and then he has to apologize."


by  sqhirxhh :"so what if chishiya and his s/o had an argument about something and both of them were cold to each other"]


Chishiya can be annoying at times. The way he always behaves like he's superior, how he never admits his own defeat and makes everyone believe they're wrong, no matter what. Mostly you manage to ignore it, but there are days where it really gets devastating, where arguing with him drains all your energy and leaves you more exhausted than running a marathon.

And still, arguing with Chishiya happens quite often. It is simply due to his nature, and partly due to yours too, that you can't let him go without at least trying to prove your point to him. You just don't want to be treated like a stupid child all the time, and you want him to appreciate you, which he does not always do.

Despite the high frequencies of arguments, the dark mood usually doesn't last. Chishiya doesn't carry grudges for too long, and you have long learned to quickly get over it as well. But today... today is different.

You don't recall how it started exactly, and yet you end up in the kitchen, shouting at him with tears in your eyes and a voice louder than it has ever been. You're so angry that the urge to punch something is suffocating, and Chishiya doesn't even flinch. He stands in front of you, casual as always, with that uncaring look in his eyes. Condescending and superior, that's what he is.

"It always ends with you crying", he chuckles dryly, and you can see the corner of his mouth twitch up into a smirk.

Clenching your hand into a fist, you try really hard not to punch him into his beautiful face, and instead try to remember how it all started this time. There was something about a friend seeking comfort from you, and Chishiya had chimed in to share all his rational, absolutely emotionless and super misguided thoughts, not helping your friend the slightest. Statistics about cheating and failed relationships simply are nothing someone wants to hear who is just facing their own relationship falling apart, but Chishiya doesn't want to see that.

You tried to explain it to him, why he should have rather kept silent in that situation, and he had begun blabbering about the waste of crying after someone who won't be part of one's future, to rather focus on what's lying ahead instead of what's in the past, blah, blah, blah.

He didn't try to understand you, and you couldn't understand him, and now you're standing here, screaming at him how blunt he is to other people's emotions and that you'll never get fully used to it. And all he has to say to you is that you've started to cry again. As if just to prove your point.

Arguing with Chishiya would be much better if he actually shouted or got at least a bit louder too. It always feels so one-sided; you raging with emotions and him just staring at you, analyzing you like a subject and treating you like one. In those moments, you even forget why you feel so strongly for this man, because this is definitely not the reason.

"It always ends because you never seem to be able to sympathize with other people!" you spit back, wiping the tears away from your eyes that have begun to blur your sight. You're not even ashamed to cry, because that's a completely normal human emotion. What Chishiya does definitely isn't.

He hums in such an unbothered way that it makes your hands twitch. "I don't want to. Their thoughts don't interest me."

Then keep your mouth shut when they ask me for advice next time, is what you want to say, but a different thought comes to your mind in that moment. "What about my thoughts? Don't they interest you either?"

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