Proud to be Yours

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[Req.: "Hi!!! I know that this isn't from the prompts but do you think you can write something, where the reader tells Chishiya that she is very proud of him and what he was able to accomplish? I'm asking this because I don't think Chishiya has ever heard those words (not that he ever needed to, but idk), I just think it would be so cute!"]


It's the small things that you learned to appreciate. The tidiness in the cupboard, the way your favourite perfume is always in the front row, how you never run out of your favourite shampoo...

Chishiya Shunarou has many ways to tell you just how much he cares for you. All you have to do is look and listen closely to see it. When you get up in a cold morning, Chishiya already long gone to work, and the softest slippers stand ready right next to your bed? When it has been a rough day, and a cup of hot coffee already waits for you at the couch table together with the snacks you love so much? This is how Chishiya says that he loves you. Never with obvious words, never with flowers and huge gifts. It is always those tiny gestures that make your day wondeful, no matter how bad it has been before.

For so many times now, you have wondered how you could do the same for Chishiya. He doesn't care for slippers, he doesn't care for tea or snacks. He has always been a man to take care of himself, because he has never been allowed to learn how it is when someone takes care for you. There had never been someone greeting him with hot chocolate as a child or cleaning up the room for him. He never even had a real cake for his birthdays until he met you!

It really makes you sad to think about Chishiya's past. The nanny that didn't like him, a mother that left the family too early because she couldn't stand all the fake any longer, and a father who was always too busy to even look at his son. Chishiya had never been given a chance to learn how to love. And yet he loves you.

His love can be rough, at times. Complicated. There are times where you'd need some soft words, where a little gift or a bouquet of flowers could easily make up for the arguments you've had, but they would never come. Chishiya will never agree to you if you are not right, he will never allow you to leave the room while you're still wrong with something. That can be exhausting, for sure, but the good days are worth all this. And there are plenty of good ones - so many that you can't even remember the last real argument between the two of you.

Chishiya never learned how to be loved or how to love himself, and yet he does it in such a wonderful way that you sometimes think if you really deserve someone like him. It must have been a miracle that brought you two together, and you don't want to leave him ever again. But you're not sure if he really knows just how much you actually love him.

You sigh, a movement that causes Chishiya to shift a little bit as well. He's sitting on the sofa next to you, your legs in his lap while his arms rest on your lower legs together with a book. The pillows in your back are so comfortable that you've fallen asleep for a few minutes, but Chishiya doesn't seem to have noticed. You examine the cover of what he's reading - it's some kind of medical literature about some further education Chishiya wants to finish in less than a month; something about visceral surgery and other things that you can't even pronounce properly. Almost incredible how much he does for this job, considering the original intentions that made him choose this path.

He seems to sense your eyes on him, because he lifts his head from the book and smirks towards you. "Woke up again?"

You chuckle, not at all surprised that he noticed after all. Chishiya barely misses anything, not even the smallest detail.

"You know, I can't stop thinking about something." You grab a pillow and place it a bit different to make it more comfortable, and Chishiya places the book down entirely on your legs as he watches you with a raised eyebrow. "You've done so much already, and still you never stop... Why? Why do you always reach for more?"

Chishiya seems to think about it for a moment. "Isn't that what every one of us should try to do - accomplish as much as possible in one's life?"

This is exactly what his father would have said. For that man, Chishiya would never be enough, no matter how hard he worked for it. He could be more famous, have more money than his father, more titles... it still wouldn't suffice. But you understand that it's difficult for him to get rid of that thought that has buried itself deep into his mind within the decades.

You pull your legs away, careful enough so the book won't drop to the ground, and hug Chishiya from the side. "Yes, but success is not everything. If you ask me, I don't think that you'd need to do more. I mean-" you wave one hand around the huge and generous living room, "-we have everything we could ask for. Thanks to you. You have accomplished so much already, more than other people would be able to reach in two or three entire life-times." And you mean it. Chishiya has been so committed to all this after the comet-incident, and considering how soon he finished his medical degree and more after his injuries...

"What I'm trying to say is, that I am so incredibly proud at you, Chishiya. And you know that it's true, that I'm not just talking nonsense here. I can't believe how you manage all this! The long shifts, the advanced trainings, and meanwhile, you're still the most wonderful partner I could've asked for..."

Chishiya blinks a couple of times, and he seems to be actually out of words for a moment, which is incredibly rare. You don't think that his parents ever told him that he did something good or that they were proud of him, which should be a thing every child deserves to hear once in a while. And not even children, but adults too.

You embrace his cheek with your hand, and Chishiya leans into the touch. His lip is slightly parted and his brows furrowed, the closest you'll ever see him to getting emotional.

"I want to be good enough. And there's still-"

"Good enough for whom, though? For me? Because you are good enough for me! More than that, even." With a smile, you put your face so close to his that you can barely see anything other than his eyes. "You don't have to get better for anyone. Forget about your father, because that man will never be satisfied even if you became the president of the whole world. No, maybe it's time that you accept how unimportant he has become in your life. It is all about you... and me, maybe."

"Leave out the maybe."

He places his hand above yours, and the pureness of this touch fills your chest with a warmth that has nothing to do with the actual temperature. You lean to the side and place a kiss on the tip of his fingers. "Are you aware that a part of people around your age isn't even working yet? Most are still studying or still lingering at their parent's place. Heck, Chishiya, you're not even thirty and already a well-known surgeon! And this has nothing to do with your father."

Chishiya snorts and drops his hands. "Of course it has. You'd be surprised how much impact a single name can have."

"I think you're wrong. Those people look up to you, not because you're your father's son, but because of the things you have accomplished already. They look at you and admire or maybe even envy you because you have achieved so much more already than they'll ever do, and it has nothing to do with that name. It has to do with this here", you poke at his head to indicate that his cleverness has brought him here.

"Oh, no." he lifts the book back up again and pretends to read. Maybe he even does read while leading this conversation. "People don't look up to me."

This is a discussion you're not going to start, because you're so obviously right but Chishiya will never admit it. He doesn't see the way how people, especially some young women in the hospital, look at him. How they talk with admiration in their voice and how they nod in acknowlegement when he passes.

"I do."

It might not be enough for him, but it is enough for you. He is enough for you. And you won't hesitate to tell him day after day, no matter how many times you have to say it until he finally is able to see the truth. That everything he does and everything he will ever do, will always be enough.

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