Three Taps

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The following idea has been brought to me my rainsoughtflowers:

"chishiya is definitely the type of person to use the whole 'three taps means i love you' code cuz he rarely ever says it out loud. so like anytime he passes by you he'll tap your arm three times and sometimes he even finds himself doing it unconsciously in his sleep" ♥


Tap, tap, tap.

Three taps on your upper arm as he passed you, his eyes not even looking up from the article he was reading. Only Chishiya's smirk hinted at the fact that those taps were intentional, and you moved your fingers to the still tingling skin of your arm.

He always did that. Tapping your arm when walking past you, tapping your fingers when you held his hand, even your head when you snuggled into his side while watching a movie together. You had barely noticed at first, but the more often Chishiya did it, the more you questioned what it actually meant.

You had tried to figure out if it occurred after you said or did something special. Maybe it was to tell you that you were stupid (in Chishiya's own mocking but loving way of course), or that you should move aside? It didn't make sense.

One time you had questioned him, and the only answer had been a knowing chuckle. Of course, the cunning blonde wouldn't give you the answer that easily, since he loved to be the clever one. You had even tried to tap him back, but that only led to an even bigger smirk on his face.

Rolling your eyes, you followed Chishiya into the living room, where he dropped back into the couch and barely made place for you when you did the same. You snuggled into his touch, leaving him enough space so he could continue reading that article about surgical stuff, and looked up to his face. Strands of blonde hair tickled your skin, the scent of strawberry shampoo just a hint in the air as you breathed in.

You searched for his hand and didn't let go until your fingers intertwined with his, and there it was again. Three taps of his thumb against the side of your hand.

"What does it mean?" you asked again, twirling a strand of blonde hair between your fingers.

Chishiya tilted his head towards you just so slightly, a sign that he enjoyed what you were doing. "Hmm?"

You snorted. "Come on, don't fool me. The taps! You know what I'm talking about. What does it mean?"

"If you can't figure it out yourself, there's no need to explain it anyway."

That asshole. He knew exactly how much you wanted that answer, and he enjoyed it even more to play with you. This was definitely not the reason you loved him. You punched his side, hard enough so he had to flinch, before you snuggled back into it. "I hate you, 'Chiya."

"No, you don't." He bluntly stated with a smirk. Of course you didn't.

Later that night, when the movie was long finished and you both had gone to bed, you still lay wide awake and stared at the ceiling. In the darkness of night, only a few shadows were visible, cast by the moon and the trees outside your window. Three taps. And there was a meaning behind it. Just why couldn't you figure it out?

Chishiya huffed in his sleep and turned around so he was facing you. His mouth was slightly parted and his hair was tousled all around his beautiful features. You couldn't resist touching his cheek, and his lips curled into a smile for a second. When you pulled back your arm to give Chishiya the space he needed, his fingers brushed your skin and you felt the soft tap, tap, tap once more.

He even did that while sleeping! But what-

You scanned his features, listened to the sound of his breath, and despite the riddle he wouldn't solve for you, your heart was almost bursting with love for this man. You loved so many things about him – his voice, his cleverness, the way he was a man of few words who preferred to use tiny gestures.

And then it struck you.

Of course! How couldn't you have seen it before?

Everything that Chishiya did had a meaning, even the slightest touch was considered.

Tap, tap, tap.

Three taps... three words.

I love you.

You smiled, breathing a kiss onto Chishiya's lips. "I love you, too."

Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now