Niragi's Girl

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[Req.: "Hi! Can you do a request where reader is technically "Niragi's girl" at the Beach, but he's borderline abusive to her and she secretly is seeing Chishiya on the side and they have a discussion about him protecting her if he finds out? It would be sweet to see chishiya's protective side :p"]


„Niragi's Girl". It's what people quickly begun to call you before you even realized what devilish situation you had gotten yourself into... and that there was no way to escape.

Niragi had seemed so interesting at first! Really good-looking, feared and respected by others at the Beach. He knew what he wanted, with his sleek hair and the piercings and that wicked smile never leaving his face, which caused you to ignore all the warnings around you. Surprisingly, he had shown interest in you, too!

You had been too new to the Beach to know anything about him, what he did or what type of people he was interested in, and so it almost felt like a miracle when he had started to talk to you. You had enjoyed it, really. Niragi was an adventure, never doing what anyone would expect of him, and he treated you like the most precious thing in the whole Borderlands. No one was allowed to touch you or even give you a weird look, and who would not enjoy feeling so special?

Until it started to get weird. It wasn't too bad, at first. When he called you "his girl", it felt cute, and when he didn't allow you to leave his room, you thought it was just fun. But as days passed by, you slowly realized that it was not meant as a joke at all. You were now Niragi's property, not able to go anywhere without his permission. Not allowed to leave him until he got tired of you and dumped you himself.

He usually grew tired of others quickly, always searching for new adventures and playmates everywhere, and it had been your big hope that you'd become uninteresting pretty soon. However as you woke up every morning and his behavior got even weirder, even more possessive, that hope slowly burnt to ashes. It was then that the bad things started, too. Being together with Niragi was never the softest experience, but he begun to beat you heavily when he was in a very bad mood and needed something – or someone – to vent. He would shout at you, hurt you, threaten to do even worse, and when it was so much that you begun to tremble or cry, he would pull you into his arms, pat your back and whisper to you that things would be fine as long as he was with you.

You want to leave this so badly, the urge has been growing stronger day after day, and yet you know that it is impossible. Leaving the Beach equals death, and as long as you remain a part of Hatter's Utopia, Niragi will find you. Always and everywhere. So you have to stay "his girl", and you have to endure his emotional outbursts and beatings once in a while. At least you still have the advantage of being protected by other abusive people (if only Niragi wasn't the worst of them), and you have kind of early access to information reserved to the Executives and Militants.

That, and the one thing that keeps you sane in the madness you're stuck in.

Niragi doesn't know about your one safe place, of course. He would immediately intervene if he knew you were meeting with someone else, but both of you are capable of keeping it a secret. Whenever you can't endure the Militant's madness any longer, you retreat to the rooftop, hoping to see him there. He is what makes this your safe place, because he knows what you're going through. He listens to you, simply is there when you need a moment to calm down. He doesn't talk too much, but that's fine, because he seems to understand you perfectly nonetheless.

Today is one of those days, and your arms still hurt from the bruises that are slowly beginning to form. Niragi grabbed them way too hard, this time shouting at you so loud that you really had been frightened for your life, and you're more than happy for some fresh air now that you drop down on the rooftop, letting your body slump down as you exhale a tired breath.

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