Deep in the Meadows

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I needed some heartbreak! There has been too much fluff these last days... :D


Years ago, on a cold winter day, you had seen traces in the fresh snow. Everything had just been covered in a brand new layer of white, undisturbed and stretching forever up to the horizon, except those tiny steps interrupting the plain white canvas here and there.

But it hadn't been those traces that caught your eye. It had been the blood filling the tiny holes, the bright red standing in high constrast against the pale snow. There had been no sight of the animal, but the blood had left no doubts that the tiny creature had been injured. Probably so heavy that it had already been dead by the time you found the traces.

However, despite the cruel scenery in front of you, there had been a certain beauty in it. The play of colors, red against white, had resembled a piece of art. A strange, weirdly morbid piece, and yet an intriguing one. Back then, it had felt so wrong to place your traces next to them, so you had left.

The image, however, has burnt itself clearly into your mind until today. You've seen so much blood already in the Borderland, and nothing has ever been close to what you'd seen back then on that winter day. Those games don't bear any beauty. They're nothing but cruel.

You hate playing the games. There hasn't been a single one so far where every player would survive, and you dread the moment where you will be the one to die.

What would have never crossed your mind though, is the thought that Chishiya could be that person.

Chishiya Shuntarou, one of the smartest and most fascinating players inside the Beach. With Diamonds being his strength, it's obvious that this man is smart enough to outplay every single one of you. He might not be the most athletic one, but so far he has always found a way to survive. You have been scared to be in a game with him, since he's known to manipulate and sacrifice to ensure his own survival, and on the other side you have been excited to catch a glance at his strategies, maybe even his way of thinking.

Because, and there's no reason to deny it, Chishiya is the one causing you to turn your head towards him every time he enters a room or passes by. Not because he'd be outstandingly attractive, but because he has a kind of mysterious beauty. A cold, painful elegance that will hurt everyone coming too close, just like the thorns of a white rose. His voice is able to melt every fibre of your body, his silver tongue twisting around the truth and making you believe a lie as if it was the most natural thing on earth.

Chishiya is a master of manipulation, and even though you never wanted it, you have completely fallen for him. That's why you can't just walk past him, although the voice has announced victory and the car is waiting for you to return to the Beach.

They have to drive without you. You'll walk, somehow you'll find the way back. For now, there's something more important: Chishiya.

You can't remember what exactly injured him. Probably you have been too busy with your own survival, but now that everything's calmed down, the red stains quickly growing bigger make it painfully obvious that he won't return to the Beach.

It's like that scene back in the winter. The white snow has been replaced by his hoodie, the dyed hair and pale skin, too pale compared to all the blood. You don't have to be a doctor to understand that Chishiya won't survive. Even if you managed to get help now, the medical supplies in the Borderlands wouldn't suffice to help him. That's not fair, and you try to swallow down the tears at the sight.

As you kneel down next to him, his eyes lock with yours. Something in them is captivating, not allowing you to turn away. And yet he's not asking for help, not pleading for a miracle to save him.

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