Moving On

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Birthday gift for Katkirishima ♥ Because they are one of the most amazing people on earth and deserve all the love x3

Summary: Reader attending Chishiya's doctor graduation and being incredibly proud of him since they both remember what happened in the Borderlands.


No matter how many times people say that they want their life to return to normal – the world will never be the same again. There have always been moments in history where certain events had such a huge impact on everything that it was impossible to recover from it entirely, and this is just the same.

A comet crashing down on Tokyo, killing thousands of people, destroying huge parts of the city. Buildings can be rebuilt, streets will be remade, damaged goods can be replaced. But nothing can bring back the dead, and nothing can erase the memories. Not only of the incident itself, but of what happened to you and hundreds of others during a two minute cardiac arrest. Something that's impossible to explain, and yet it happened. You remember, and Chishiya remembers too.

Even now, more than a year after you woke up again, the thoughts make you shiver. You have been lucky to survive, and yet so many others weren't. If you had died in the Borderlands, killed in a game or by another player... you wouldn't be here. You wouldn't exist any longer. Your name would just be one more added to the memorials, quickly forgotten by most other people.

But you're alive. Chishiya is alive. You have found each other, pushed on by those last minutes you spent together in that other world, and you lived. Together, just like you had said to him. And now, another big change is waiting right in front of you.

Finishing a medical degree has never been easy, and you would have been incredibly proud of Chishiya for doing it no matter what. Under these new circumstances though, it is something completely different. Except so many others, Chishiya didn't let himself down after returning to the real world. He didn't give in to depression and anxiety, he simply moved on where he had stopped before. Despite months of recovery after his heavy injuries, he returned to university and finished his degree. He worked so incredibly hard for months, reading books and articles night after night, working extra shift after extra shift to have perfect results in the end.

That time hasn't been easy for both of you. Chishiya would often come home stressed and tired, and you would feel neglected because he was barely there, and whenever he was, he didn't care too much about your feelings. You never complained, though, because you knew what it would be for. You knew that it would end one day, and that day has come now.

Neither of you have slept much that last night, and there was no clock needed for you to wake up before the sun even rose beyond the horizon. Today is graduation day after all, one of the most important days in Chishiya's life. And you really want to be there, because no one else will.

Chishiya didn't even bother to invite his father, knowing that it wouldn't bode well to have him here. Old Mr. Chishiya wouldn't be interested in this, and he would only try to talk his son down. No, definitely not what one would need on such an occasion.

"Excited?" you mutter with a grin while you rest your head on Chishiya's shoulder and wait for the taxi to arrive at the university. On other days, Chishiya would either go by foot or use the metro, but the weather is stormy today and he wants to look good when he finally gets his doctor jacket.

Chishiya snorts. "Me? Never." You don't need to see his smirk though to know that he's lying, because the way his fingers nervously play with yours tells you otherwise.

You squeeze his hand tightly and smile. Despite all your worries that it wouldn't work out between you two once you left the Borderlands, everything has developed just fine. You found a new job closer to Chishiya and moved together into a small, but comfy apartment, and while Chishiya is finally becoming a surgeon, your career is going straight up too. Chishiya didn't lie when he told you he had his dark sides and that they would never leave, however it was surprisingly easy for you to adjust to them. After spending weeks in a parallel world trying to kill you, you've been through worse already.

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