Dance With Me

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"Kuina is taking quite long."

You sigh and lean back on the hotel bed, arms stretched to both sides. You inhale the familiar scent of the soft blanket as you let your fingers run through the fabric. Staring at the blank ceiling is no fun at all, and you can hear the clicking noises from whatever Chishiya is tinkering with.

He hums in agreement, and you watch his back as a sudden breeze tousles some strands of his blonde hair. It's not fair that he doesn't seem to be bored at all why you had enough of waiting already half an hour ago, and you start to sing a random melody stuck in your head.

When you feel your feet tap to that thought out song, you suddenly have an idea. You sit back up, grinning from ear to ear as you take the gadget out of Chishiya's hands and interlock your fingers with his instead. He silently complains with a frown, but you're quick to explain.

"Chishiya! Dance with me."

The frown intensifies, and you can see how his shoulders tense. "I won't dance."

You peck a kiss onto his cheek, smiling at him with puppy eyes. "Oh, come on. No one will see us!"

He shakes his head with determination. "We don't have music."

Coming closer to him, you let the tip of your nose touch his for a heartbeat. "We don't need music. Let's dance to our own rhythm."

"How is one supposed to dance without music?"

You try to pull him from the bed, and he hesitantly gives in. "Just do what feels right!"

Chishiya resigns with a sigh and watches how you push aside the table to make room for your dance.

"I have never danced before," he mutters as you place one hand on his shoulder.

Giving him a wink, you take his hand and take it to your hip. "Me neither!"

Then you start moving, slowly at first. Your feet turn to no existing rhythm, and Chishiya obviously has troubles following you. More than once you step onto his feet, bump into his side or almost stumble to the ground together with him, and Chishiya is about to give up at any time now.

But all of a sudden, something changes.

You find a rhythm together, your movements become more fluid. It is as if you can feel when Chishiya is about to turn around, and like this you move through the entire room.

Left, to the front, right, back again.

As you grow more confident with the movements, you pirouette led by Chishiya's hand, once, twice, again. Turn to the left, turn to the other side, pirouette.

From the mirrow of the hotel room you can see your face, beaming with joy. You laugh out loud, let Chishiya's hands swirl you around, sure that he will catch you again.

Both your breaths have quickened, and so has the rhythm of your dance.

Chishiya suddenly grabs your waist and lifts you up high so you almost touch the ceiling, but you're not afraid the slightest.

His grib around your body is firm and you know that he won't let you fall as you swirl around, your hair moving wildly in the wind. He doesn't stop turning, because if he did, you both wouldn't be able to walk straight anymore.

Your laughter fills the room now, and at some point, the rhythm slows down.

The world around you stops turning and Chishiya gently places you down without removing his hands from your waist.

Out of breath but still beaming with happiness, you place your hands onto his cheeks and bring your faces close once more.

Your lips meet in a breathless kiss, and you can see the smile in his eyes as he opens them again. The magic in the air is still tangible, and suddenly you hear a gasp from the door.

Kuina is standing in the door frame, still processing the scene she just has witnessed with disbelief.

Letting yourself drop back to the bed, you just grin towards Chishiya and then to Kuina.

"Shall we continue then?"

Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now