Surprise, Surprise

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[Req.: "Hi how are you? you could do one where people who work with chishiya find out he's engaged, see them together."]


Being engaged to the person you love is a wonderful feeling. Even though the change is not really visible besides the little ring decorating your finger, you feel like everyone must know in an instant. Walking through the city, you're sure that everyone looks at you in a different way now, that they see the glow in your eyes and the hope of the brightest future awaiting you.

And even though Chishiya wears no such ring (which won't change after marriage as well), you somehow believe that it is the same for him. That people eye him and realize he's actually a human person with human emotions, that he's capable of loving and has even managed to propose to you. Sure, it wasn't a Hollywood-worthy proposal, but you said yes and now you have the ring.

It didn't take longer than a couple of days for you to share the news with the rest of the world. Your family, your friends, people at work, they all were so happy for you! This new kind of attention is wonderful, and so far you're really enjoying all the asks about the date of the wedding, the clothes, decoration.

Most of it is not settled yet, since the wedding is still some time ahead. But whenever you stroll through the shopping malls, you can't help and admire the dresses or whatever you see that reminds you of a wedding. Your head is full of it.

"Look at those flowers!" you point to a shop to your left, nudging Chishiya to check it out as well, "I'm sure they'd look great on the tables." The wedding won't be too huge, since Chishiya is not eager to invite most parts of the family he barely has contact with, and you don't want it to be an awkward formal festivity. A smaller party has many advantages as well, it is cheaper, less stressing and less to take care of.

Chishiya throws only a quick glance to the flowers and hums in an absent tone that's supposed to be approving, and it makes you grin. "We could use pink glitter and ribbons as well..."

Now the sound he makes has nothing of confirmation, and you gently punch his side just as he wants to complain. "Kidding! Just wanted to see if you're paying attention at all."

"I always do. I can think of more interesting topics than flowers, though."

"Have you already thought about what kind of suit you'll wear? Or who your best man will be?" You continue to walk, but you take inner notes of the type of flowers that looks best in this time of year.

Chishiya shrugs. "A suit that looks fine, I suppose. And for the best man..." he gives you one of his charming side-smirks, "as long as he's not Niragi, he'll be good."

Imagining Niragi as a best man is really a hilarious thought. The problem is not even him wearing a suit or formal clothes in general, but remaining serious enough to attend a wedding. You know he'd be the first one to laugh about everything even though it's not even funny, and to destroy the most romantic moments during the ceremony. No, that is definitely not what you want – since it's Chishiya, you want to enjoy every romantic moment you can get, no matter how short it will be. There won't be too many of them.

Many of your friends would be more suited for that, and you have a wide choice too. Kuina would probably be the number one, although she has problems to stay serious too. She'd handle it much better than Niragi though. "What about Arisu?" you ask after a while, but Chishiya's hum is enough to display his doubts.

"He will cry more than everyone else attending the wedding." CHishiya doesn't sound concerned however, since he knows that there's more than enough time left to decide. You know he will find the best one for this job just in time. Maybe one of his co-workers? Or that one cousin of his, the one who is pleasantly normal compared to the rest of the Chishiya-family...

You move your thumb over the back of his hand as you continue to stroll along the road, eyeing the stores on both sides with a smile. Thinking about the wedding already gives you so much joy; it's impossible to imagine how you'll feel when the day finally comes! You'll most likely burst with emotion before you're even officially married. And you hope that wearing the ring will always feel like this – the extra weight is there, noticeable to you whenever you focus on your hand, but it is never too much. It is always a reminder of how it got there and what it means for you.

That Chishiya has chosen you, despite all the doctors, nurses, patients and other people showing clear interest in him. Most of them are much wealthier, prettier, more successful than you, and yet you're the one wearing the ring.

"You're grinning like this again."

As you look up, you notice that Chishiya is watching you with a similar smirk, and you squeeze his hand. "Oh, just the usual thoughts. You know."

His answer is interrupted by someone calling his name, and you both lift up your heads simultaneously to notice two young women hurrying towards you with bright smiles on their faces. They don't seem familiar to you, but you assume that they have to be coworkers of Chishiya, and most of them are hard to recognize once they're out of their hospital attire.

"Hi!" they greet Chishiya first and then look at you, both with unhidden curiosity. You greet them back, grinning a bit shyly, before they explain to you that they're in fact working in the same hosipital as Chishiya.

"And who are you", one of them continues, "his sister?"

You can't contain the sudden burst of laughter, and even Chishiya hums in a humoring way, and to avoid any misunderstandings, you make sure to give them a quick answer while shaking your head. "No, uhm... actually, I'm his fiancée!"

The hand carrying the ring moves up automatically to show the delicate piece, and four eyes grow large as they flick from you to Chishiya and back again. "You... I didn't even know you had a partner!" one of them spurts out, her face immediately turning red. Poor thing – judging by her reaction, it's possible that she might have a crush on your future husband.

"Not really a topic for the surgery, right?" Chishiya dryly gives back, and you take his hand again. Not for the others to see, but more because you like to do it and it makes you comfortable.

"And..." it seems his coworker has regained her composure again, "you two are going to marry?"

You know exactly how she feels. Seeing Chishiya in a suit is something you're slowly getting used to with the formal meetings he gets invited to now and then as an aspiring surgeon, but marriage? Committing himself to one person, settling down, maybe even raising children? Not exactly the first things coming to one's mind when thinking about someone like Chishiya.

After you confirm what should already be obvious, you spend the next minutes answering many more questions. About the date, the proposal, what you'll wear, the honey moon... Those two women are quite curious people, and at some point, you're eager to leave this conversation since it's slowly getting exhausting. Chishiya said that relationships are not a topic suited for surgery, but it still seems weird that no one of his coworkers seems to know about you. Compared to what you felt before – that everyone must see the change of both of you now that you're engaged, it's a bit... sobering.

"Anyway", you throw in once there's a moment of silence on the other side, "we have to go. Don't want that store to close before we reach it, right, Shuntarou?"

He chuckles, knowing exactly what you're trying to do. "Right."

Neither of the women facing you seems to take it as an insult, as they both nod understandingly and say their bustling goodbyes. As they walk towards the other side of the street and disappear into the crowd, you can still hear their giggles.

"We have to tell the others!"

"Can you believe it? And I really thought he was still available..."

"Do you think he'll invite us?"

You shake your head with a smile. "You're more famous than I thought. How many women are there, giving you admiring looks like that?"

"Too many", he snorts and his finger casually touches the ring on your hand, "too many."

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