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And here's the first commissioned Oneshot for @Mel_Mio ! (:

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There's barely a place worse for quickly spreading rumors than a hospital. Doctors love to gossip while operating, but the nurses are even more dangerous. Nothing, no secret and no sensitive information, will ever be safe from the eyes and ears of a nurse. The entire hospital will know about one's diagnosis before the patient is even told themselves.

Chishiya Shuntarou never takes part in those gossips, although he, too, profits from some of the information that is spread throughout the hospital. He doesn't care for all the affair stuff, the failed romances and who cheated on whom, but when the nurses share news about mistakes that happened in surgery, he's all ears. Knowledge is strength, and as someone who aspires to become top surgeon, everything he can use against the other doctors is gold.

It would be scary to you, knowing that the blonde would be able to completely ruin you with the darkest secrets that every person has, if you hadn't been used to it for such a long time. Manipulating and observing people has saved Chishiya's life in the Borderlands, and it has been this mysterious side that made him so interesting to you back then. And even back in the real world has he proven more than once already that his feelings for you are genuine, with no intent to manipulate you for any reason. Despite him being a bit difficult when it comes to emotional things, you don't aim to give him any reason to use the secrets he has against you. He could have done that so many times when you were both members of the Beach, or when you had participated in the same gruesome game, and yet he had never done anything to harm you.

So on this day, you have prepared a fantastic meal with plenty of food that Chishiya loves; all put into a neat Bento box since the blonde has to work all day. You had hoped he'd take the day off since it's your wedding day, but romance has never been Chishiya's main trait and there is a huge heart surgery today that he can assist, and the latter is more important to him than a date in the calendar. It's not supposed to hurt your feelings; this is simply who he is and what he's interested in. And just because there's a heart waiting for him to be cut open, it won't lessen his feelings for you.

The Bento box will make him happy, and there's nothing better for you than to see him smile on a stressed day. You smile yourself all the way to the hospital, despite the weather being too uncomfortable for your liking, and you continue to grin all the way to Chishiya's ward. You have rarely been here before, but the surgical ward isn't too hard to find. The guy at the reception area seems confused to see such a happy face inside a place as gloomy as a hospital, but the injured and worried people around you can't manage to lower your mood.

A nurse is standing next to the desk and sorting patient files while chewing on something with obvious boredom. She looks young, probably in her first year of training, with short black hair and with at least five piercings in each ear; obviously unhappy about the work she has to do. Part of you thinks she looks familiar, and you wonder where you could know her from. She doesn't seem to be your age, but maybe she has gone to the same school?

You chuckle silently and face the desk clerk, who is still eyeing you with suspicion. "Can you call Dr. Chishiya for me, please?" you ask, holding up the Bento box before the clerk can ask any more questions, "I've brought lunch for him."

The desk clerk nods and reaches for his phone and after some seconds of silence, he repeats your husband's name and mumbles some more words into the phone before turning back to you. "He'll be out of surgery in a couple of minutes. Feel free to wait here until then."

With a hum, you place the Bento box down onto the desk and lean against the cold material. The nurse has turned her attention towards you as well, and her eyes stare at you with a fierceness that doesn't fit her gentle appearance. Now you remember: she looks similar to a girl you met back in the Borderlands, although that girl had died during a Spades game, making it impossible for her to be here now.

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