The Million Dollar Fiancé

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[Req. by @Iminlovewithmatthew "Hiii I don't know if you take requests any more, but I was wondering if you could do one where someone was bullying y/n about not having the best life or smthn while they Had a class reunion and y/n texted chishiya about it not thinking he would show up and embarrass that person while everyone else is wowed by the handsome, rich and famous surgeon that y/n is engaged to... Also i love your works"]

You aren't actually eager to meet all those people from school again. Life hadn't been the best in those early years, and the other students hadn't been either.

But everyone is going, and you will have to listen to complaints for months if you're the only one missing. If only Chishiya could go there with you... Although you know that he'll have a very important meeting with a possible sponsor for the hospital tonight, and there's no way he can postpone that. You have to face some bullies from your childhood years; Chishiya deals with the prospect of a million dollar donation. Hard to compare one with another.

"I really don't want to go", you mutter while doing your hair. You won't be wearing a glittering thousand-dollar-dress tonight, but you want to look acceptable. If everyone's going to treat you like trash, you at least want to feel beautiful.

Chishiya hums next to you, straightening the tie of his suit. He looks absolutely stunning. Fabulous. Those clothes are more expensive than three months of your rent, but unlike you, he needs to appear flawless tonight. Seeing him wearing such noble fabrics is unfamiliar, however you could really get used to that.

He turns to you, allowing you to expect him from head to toe. "Me neither. But it's just a couple of hours; we both should be able to manage that."

You step forward, already spreading your arms out to pull him into a hug because that's what you're used to, although you change your mind in the last second. The least thing you want is to ruin his appearance, so you give him a quick kiss instead. "You'll do great. I know that."

With a nod, he opens the door for you to leave first. His taxi is already waiting at the street, and the classmate who offered to take you with them will be here soon as well. Chishiya waves you goodbye while getting into the taxi, and you watch how he disappears in the distance. You would have given everything to swap places with him. How hard can it be to convince one single sponsor instead of facing a whole hall filled with bullies?

The only advantage you have is the alcohol. As soon as you step into the crowded hall, tinny music echoing through it while a bad DJ is trying to look confident, you notice the wide choice of alcoholic drinks. All the cheap, gross-tasting stuff, but it's alcohol. You only need to manage to drink enough of it and the whole evening will turn out much better.

It is bad, but not as bad as you expected. Most of the people have changed since the last time you've seen them, have married, have become parents. Another old friend of yours tells you how he was forced to live on the streets for a couple of weeks, but now he has a well-paid job and started to date his old childhood crush. Most of the biggest bullies have turned into normal people as well, greeting you friendly and asking you about your job, your life, whatever comes into their mind. Some have become bankers, some veterinarians, one is a pilot. Talking to them is actually intersting, as long as you avoid the beauty queens that are still trying to look perfect.

Unlike most, those women have become worse. Instead of tons of makeup and only a hint of clothes on their body, they have spent all their money to refine their shape with silicone. Which might look good on breasts and booties, but those lips... they simply look disgusting.

And the worst of them all, Sakae, is walking right towards you, shaking her fake body, pursing her fake lips and sipping on her vodka as if it was the most expensive drink instead of the swill from the next gas station.

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