A Song With No End

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We had a deal, you and me.

Love would only go so far in the Borderlands.

If we had to fight each other, we would fight. If only one of us could survive, we wouldn't sacrifice ourselves. Yes, we were selfish. But we were the same, so there was no need to explain.

I did love you, though. And I am sure you felt the same. While you never showed any of it in public - face mostly hidden under that white hood, emotions sealed behind a condescending smirk - I felt it in those occasional moments where our hands would touch, where you would strike my shoulder, keep your eyes on mine a second longer than necessary.

It was a secret love, carefully hidden behind the doors of that hotel room. And it was all I could ever asked for.

We were lucky to never attend a game together, but it was clear that the odds wouldn't be in our favour forever. It wasn't luck at all, really. Both of us made sure to keep an eye on the board, you as an executive and I as one of the responsible people for group constellations.

Yet what we could do was possible for others as well, so we found ourselves driving in the same car one night.

We both knew who had done it. Tried to challenge our fate.

The game came, and we didn't have to fight each other, no. The traps did that part for us, as well as the player stupid enough to trigger them.

I didn't feel the pain at first, but I saw the blood. And while you were the Diamonds player and the medical student, I knew as well that my chances of survival were low.

You didn't like when I shouted at you to move on. You didn't like to be shouted at at all, and you hesitated to leave me behind.

"You can come back to me when the game is cleared", I told you. You would have a hard time winning while dragging me through as well.

And you left. I could see in your eyes that it was the least thing you wanted, but you were rational enough to do the only right thing.

And I? I started to sing. It was what you loved the most - listening to it while tinkering around or just keeping your eyes closed. You knew the song. Somehow, it had become ours during the past weeks. As long as it could be heard, you'd know I was still alive.

I knew you'd come back. Clear the game and then make your way back to me.

I just hoped the song wouldn't end before you did.

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