Don't Drink and Drive

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Third and last (for now? :D) commissioned Oneshot for Mel_Mio!

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„I should be there in about fifteen minutes. Traffic's a mess, as always..." you sigh and lean into the Uber's back seat. With your growing belly, it's hard to find a comfortable position but you're used to it already thanks to your first child, who is currently in the kindergarten so you don't have to worry about them right now. The first pregnancy has been smooth and the second one is going fine as well so far, although you can't wait for the child to arrive. It's too hot to carry a baby around inside of you, and with the ever increasing temperatures, you have no idea how you should survive the last three months.

Talking to Chishiya makes it a bit easier, but he's at work and can't take too long breaks. At least he will be there for the appointment, standing next to you while the check-up will tell if everything is going as fine as it feels.

Another sigh escapes your mouth, and you scrunch your nose at the stench inside the Uber. It smells like alcohol, the very cheap one, and it definitely comes from the driver. It's an average-looking man but with dark circles under his tired eyes, pale skin and stained clothes. You haven't noticed at first because you usually don't look too close at the people driving these cars, but your pregnancy nose lets you smell things a hundred times more intensive and now that you've realized, it makes your stomach turn. Having a driver who's most likely drunk doesn't make you feel too well, and you hope that the last minutes of driving will pass by quickly.

Watching the other cars next to you and the bored people inside them, you would have almost missed it. Maybe it's some kind of intuition, maybe it's just a spark that catches your attention, but you turn your eyes to the front just in time to see the other car get dangerously close.

"Shouldn't you slow down a bi-" you begin to say, and the driver's head jerks up as if he has been daydreaming. In the very last second, he manages to hit the brake, and you claw your fingers into the seat to keep your balance. But you barely have enough time to think before a very loud crash breaks the silence and glass shatters all around you, caused by the impact of another vehicle colliding with your Uber from behind.

The shock makes you feel no pain at first; all you notice is the heavy beating of your heart and one thought: My baby! Has something happened to my baby?

A high-pitched ringing inside your ears slowly fades away and you hear voices instead, panicked people calling for help and an ambulance. You're not able to move; with your legs stuck between parts of the front seat, you don't even manage to turn around. Several cuts on your skin bleed through your clothes and make it obvious that you're hurt, but all you can care about is the little human being inside of you. Why doesn't it move or kick? Why don't you feel any sign that it's okay?

"Please... please, be all right..."

It feels like ages before the ambulance arrives, taking you and the driver with them to the closest hospital. Luckily for you it is the one Chishiya works in, and he will know about this within minutes once you arrive because Chishiya Shuntarou is aware of everything that happens around him.

The driver has been hurt as well, but except some cuts and bruises it's mostly his dizzy state that worries the paramedics. You don't think this state is caused by the accident; more likely by the influence of alcohol and it makes you unbelievably angry. You could be dead. Your baby could be dead! Maybe it is, because the paramedics won't tell you anything and console you with hollow phrases while they patch up your other injuries. Your whole life could be ruined simply because one man couldn't stay away from alcohol before getting to work. If it was a worker who didn't get in touch with other people you wouldn't care, but an Uber driver? A person whose job it is to drive other people around, who spends hours in the traffic surrounded by thousands of others? This person should not, under any circumstances, be drunk when touching the wheel.

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