Mandatory Care

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It starts like a simple cold, with the typical scratch in your throat and a tickle in your nose. Chishiya tells you to keep things low so it won't develop into a heavy flu, but you have withstood worse already. A hoarse voice is no reason to stay away from work or to quarantine at home, and you do everything you know is good to cure a cold: hot baths, lots of herbal tea, warm feet and all that.

And yet it gets worse and worse, with a running nose and a deafening headache soon joining the symptoms. Leaving your home is harder every day, you can barely concentrate on anything and walking a couple of steps already feels like running a marathon.

Eventually you end up on the couch, unable to breathe through your nose, with a fever heating your skin and cold shivers causing you to hide under at least two blankets. It is such a nasty feeling to sweat like a sportsman while you could swear that the temperature outside has dropped to degrees below zero, but it would be bearable if only you could breathe! Drinking, eating, even sleeping is almost impossible with a stuffy nose, and at the same time it won't stop running. You feel so miserable, want nothing but sleep until you're better.

"You won't want to hear it-"

"Shut up", you groan, interrupting Chishiya before he can be the clever asshole he likes to be.

"-but I told you to keep low."

"Shut. Up."

Lowering one of the blankets that is almost entirely covering your face, you glimpse to the blonde sitting next to you on the sofa, watching you with a smirk and sipping his tea as if he's watching a good show on the TV. You'd have enjoyed being the center of his attention at any other given situation, only this time, you really don't like to be the main character.

There's much more you want to say, although speaking hurts your throat so you keep it with a dark glare. It only results in a chuckle.

"You know I'm right. No reason to deny it. However, now that you're unable to leave the couch, I have informed your boss that you won't show up for the rest of the week."

The sigh you exhale is both a sign that you're thankful he did the call and at the same time it makes clear that you don't approve of how much Chishiya seems to enjoy the situation. There's nothing enjoyable about being sick.

You want to hide under the blanket again, but Chishiya's hand stops you from doing so when he places something on the sofa in front of you, still holding on to it so it won't fall down the soft surface. It is a mug, and its content smells like tea.

"Drink", is Chishiya's only order. "You'll be dehydrated soon otherwise."

With a snort, you take a sip from the tea. It doesn't taste good, but it has the perfect temperature to drink. Not too hot to burn your tongue, but not too cold either. At least Chishiya has put some honey into it to sweeten the taste. "Doctor Chishiya knows it all, of course."

"One doesn't need to be a doctor to know that. I won't force you to eat, but you have to drink enough. Even more when you continue to sweat like that." He points to the mug, telling you to take another sip, and then scrunches his nose mockingly, "a shower might be appropriate, too. But that's not our priority."

"Our priority?" You roll your eyes and pull out a tissue to blow your nose. As if Chishiya would be the one suffering from the fever. "Keep your distance if you don't like my smell."

The blonde chuckles and shrugs his shoulders. "You won't remember to drink in that case."

He forces you to empty all of the tea despite its bitter-sweet taste, and then helps you to snuggle into the blanket again. With a yawn, you muster the man in front of you. Since it's warm inside – although it doesn't feel warm for you – he's not wearing one of his hoodies but instead a simple plain shirt. Some strands of blonde hair are falling loosely into his face, embracing the mocking brown eyes of his in a perfect way. You watch how his hair curls slightly in his neck, and how the single mole under his left eye sticks out from his otherwise pale skin. A beautiful man, in his very own way.

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