This One is Different

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A request coming from tumblr for Chishiya handling the reader's pregnancy x3

You'll never forget the day you told Chishiya that you were pregnant, mostly because it didn't turn out the way you had expected at all.

Being together for a couple of years now and even living together, this was the next step with no doubt, right? You barely talked about things like marriage and having children, mostly because Chishiya wouldn't be the person to propose to you in a romantic way. He didn't see any sense in marriage other than advantages in tax category, but you didn't have any financial problems, so why would he care?

But all your friends were getting parents one after another, some already having their third kid. And everyone around you made hints at when it would be your turn, which were bluntly ignored by Chishiya – though not by you.

You wanted to have kids, and you didn't want to wait an eternity to have your own family. And Chishiya was the one you wanted to be the father ever since you'd met him after the catastrophe descending upon Tokyo. From the very beginning, you had felt a connection to him that couldn't be explained, and after all those years, it was still there. Still strong, although it was wavering now with the things unsaid.

Things you wanted to be said so badly.

Chishiya definitely was suspicious when you stopped taking the birth control pill, but as someone who studied medicine for years, he seemed to understand when you told him you didn't want to destroy your body with those hormones any longer.

And then, the inevitable happened.

The first signs of morning sickness went unnoticed by Chishiya since he mostly had to work early shift, and the excitement you felt was muffled by the worries how he'd react. But Chishiya was clever, way too clever for his own good, and you couldn't hide it forever.

That's why you waited for him to come home from his shift, positive pregnancy test hidden behind your back. You could already see that it had been an exhausting day when you kissed him hello, and you almost felt sorry for probably stressing him even more.

Yet he had to know.

Chishiya already sensed that something was going on, and you barely managed to hide the smile on your face when you showed him the test without further explanation. Feeling antsy inside, you already wanted to talk about everything. How you'd decorate the room, if there were any ideas for names, how to tell your parents.

The smile vanished quickly when there was no reaction at all. Chishiya just stared at the test, then at you, no readable expression on his face. He then closed the door behind him, threw the keys inside the box and sat down on the sofa.

That was it.

Blinking away the confusion, you realized you were still standing in the hallway alone and with the test still held out in your hands. You carefully put it down on the shelf, followed him into the living room and sat down next to him.

Chishiya wouldn't even look at you, his eyes were fixated on something only he seemed able to see. You swallowed down the heavy feeling and gently touched his hand, only now realizing how tense it was.


He flinched, finally eyeing you with a frown. His mouth opened slightly, then closed, only to open again.

"This is not a good idea."

You had expected many things, but definitely not this. "I... I'm sorry?"

Suddenly you didn't feel excited anymore, but scared. What if he told you to get an abortion? Or if he left you?

The tips of your fingers grew cold and you intensified the grip around his hand. "Chishiya, what do you..."

"I can't do this." He shook his head, and your other hand moved to your belly, covering it as if to keep the bean inside safe. It was not visible yet, but you knew it was there. And you couldn't tell if you were ready to give up one of them – the life growing inside of you or the man you always thought was destined for you.

You didn't even realize that you started to cry until Chishiya's eyes widened almost noticeably and he wiped away a single tear from your cheek.

His voice was low when he spoke again. "I can't become a father."

Now it was your turn to shake your head. There was nothing to fear – even with only Chishiya earning money, you wouldn't have financial problems. His job as a surgeon was paid well enough, and he wouldn't have to give it up for you. There were plenty of opportunities for you to work at home even with a baby as well, and you were ready for it! You had the money, you had enough space, so what was the matter?

"Why?" You stared at him with pleading eyes, waiting for an explanation so you could finally understand what was going on inside of him. He never had been too easy to handle, but there were always ways for you to break through to him. Why couldn't you do that now?

Chishiya shook his head once more, and finally you could see an emotion in his eyes.

"I don't know how to do it."

That's when you remembered the few things he had told you about his childhood. The rare occasions where he'd admit that his family had been nothing but an illusion, to make it look like a perfect household to the outside. The wealthy surgeon, his loving wife and the long-deserved child boy.

Nothing but a lie. Chishiya's mother had left the family when he was too young to walk straight, and his father never cared. The house maid hated him, and the hatred was mutual.

Chishiya didn't know how to be a father because he never really had a father himself.

Another tear escaped your eye, but this time it wasn't out of worry. As you took both his hands into yours and placed them on your belly, you smiled at him with all the warmth inside of you.

"We'll learn it together."

Ever since that day, Chishiya seemed to grow more and more familiar with the fact that there would soon be a third person inside the house. You could see hints of regret the moment your mother covered his forehead in kisses as soon as you told her, but the first image from the ultrasonic was enough to leave even someone like him speechless.

And now, a couple of months later, most of his doubts had vanished. You could barely see your feet anymore and the summer heat didn't make it easier for you, but Chishiya was there to take care of you. He'd swap shifts so he could attend the important doctor's appointments with you, and he even accompanied you to a baby-shopping tour once. Even though he made sure it was the first and definitely the last time, you appreciated it more than anything.

Chishiya even made sure to read as many things about pregnancy as possible so he could prepare for anything about to happen. It was cute, but also unnerving sometimes when he forced you to keep on the sofa while he'd carry the groceries into the house, how he'd pull you down on a bench while taking a walk despite you not being tired at all.

He wouldn't show those feelings openly to anyone else, but when you were alone, he'd lay his head onto your stomach gently so he could hear and feel the miracle inside, something he does tonight as well.

"The bean just woke up," you yawn while Chishiya taps the place where the baby's foot has just been kicking out, and you know he's trying to tickle it – with success.

"It's not a bean anymore. Right now, it should rather have the size of... a zucchini."

This comment makes you laugh, and the bean – or zucchini – inside of you kicks out once more. "What will it be next month; a pumpkin?"

Chishiya lets out a hum, and the vibration on your belly makes you giggle. "I don't like pumpkins."

You let your fingers run through his hair, something you know he enjoys pretty much but would never admit it. "You don't like zucchinis either."

Kissing the spot where the tiny foot has just moved under your skin, he gives you a soft grin.

"This one is different."

Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now