Three Words

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After so many complaints that Chishiya never said "I love you", there now was a request for him to actually say it. So here's some more Chishiya fluff! ♥

[Req.: "hi his isn't my first time requesting but i rlly love your chishiya fanfics and was wondering if you'd be interested in making one where chishiya would say "i love you." ? tysmmm! 🥺"]

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Drip, drip, drip.

The rain keeps running down the window next to you, blurring your mirrored image in the glass. It's almost dark on the other side except the bit of moonlight that manages to shine through the clouds, and you pull your knees up to your chest. Since it's summer, the temperature is not really cold, but you still feel slightly uncomfortable with nothing but the swimwear covering your body.

Something soft and warm is placed around your shoulders, and you turn away from the window and face the familiar blonde instead, watching you with a smirk while you wrap the blanket close around you.

"Thank you!" you say with a smile, and Chishiya sits down next to you. This would be the time of day where he usually went up to the roof, but with the storm outside, he won't even set a single foot out of the door.

He tucks one earpod into the ear and begins to search for a certain song that he wants to hear, replying to you with a shrug. "You'll catch a cold otherwise."

"Aww! You care about me that much?" You lean back until your head touches his shoulder, and some strands of his dyed hair tickle your forehead. The beat of his music reaches your ear, and Chishiya snorts.

"I care about the fact that you'll complain for at least two or three days and I'll have to endure it if you actually catch a cold. So I rather make sure it's not going to happen in the first place."

Of course he'd say something like that, and it makes you giggle because you know that he cares about your wellbeing as much as he doesn't want you to annoy him when you're sick. He'll simply never admit anything that would cause him to appear weak.

Since Chishiya has given you the biggest blanket that you own, you rearrange it so half of the fabric is placed around Chishiya's shoulders while you wrap the other half around you. He still has his hoodie, a grey one this time since the other one is still in the laundry, but at least you enjoy the extra warmth emerging from his body, and he doesn't complain.

"Kuina called you my boyfriend earlier today", you mumble with a smile when you continue to watch the rain.

Drip, drip, drip.

Chishiya hums and you don't have to look to know he's smirking. "Which most likely caused you to jump and squeal like a little girl."

It still makes you happy that he doesn't deny being in an actual relationship with you, and yes, you did want to jump and dance around back then because it felt even more official when other people noticed as well.

"Am I so easy to read?"

You feel Chishiya's breath in your hair when he chuckles. "Not that hard when you hand your heart to everyone on a silver platter."

"And you still think that's what makes me vulnerable."


You shift slightly, and Chishiya places his arm around your shoulder when you're done, pulling you even closer to him than you already are. You notice it with a smile, knowing that he'd immediately stand up if you mentioned it. Those soft moments he allows you to enjoy are something he would never allow to be spoken out loud, and he only does it because he knows you'll stay silent about it.

"You know, Chishiya..." A flash illuminates the dark night for a heartbeat, but the storm is still too far away for you to hear the thunder. "I have thought about this for quite some time now. About being open-hearted making you vulnerable."

The man close to you huffs but waits for you to continue.

"It might be true, that it's easy for people to hurt me. But... the risk is worth it considering how many wonderful people I got to call friends because of this. And I've given every single one of them a piece of my heart-"

"Stop it." Chishiya is no friend of cheesy things, and you hear the mocking tone in his voice. His hand, however, still rests on your side, a clear sign that he is not as annoyed as he pretends to be.

Another flash, long enough for you to see the dozens of branches. "Which means that even if someone tries to hurt me, they'll never be able to destroy all of it; only the remains left in my chest. The most important parts will be kept safe in your hands. But as soon as you let someone through the walls you've built, they have access to everything you are, which actually makes you far more vulnerable than me."

Chishiya sighs and you feel how he switches to another song on his iPod. "You really want me to leave, don't you?"

You lean back your head so you can see his face and look straight into his beautiful mesmerizing eyes that stare back at you with raised brows. "Wrong. I only want you to say something cheesy just once in your life." And with a grin, you place a kiss onto his lips before you return to your former position watching the rain.

"This is never going to happen."

It would be weird anyway, you have to admit. Chishiya is not the person to call you sweet names or make you compliments. And still, he sits here with you, wrapped together into a blanket and watching the storm while you're both safe and sound.

Drip, drip, drip.

"I'm just glad that I was the one you allowed to pass your walls", you mumble more to yourself than to him. "Because I will never try to hurt you, and it'd make me sad to know someone else had access to the soft an-"

"I love you."

"What?" You hastily turn around and the sudden movement causes the blanket to fall down, but right now you don't care to pick it back up again. Chishiya hasn't moved the slightest, and even a second after you've heard those words, you're not sure if they were real.

Chishiya's chuckle is the only proof that they were. "You've heard me."

His eyes loose focus as he stares into the distance while you keep blinking, trying hard to understand what has just happened. Never before has Chishiya said those three words to you, and you never expected him to say them to you ever. You know about his feelings - it's obvious considering that you share a room here with all the hugs and kisses, and yet it's something different to hear him say it.

"Can... can you say it again?" Because you really liked the sound of it when being said with his voice. Chishiya would never tell you this as an empty phrase. He means it, and that makes your heart beat faster.

But Chishiya simply smirks and reaches down for the blanket to put it back into place, allowing you to snuggle into his embrace while the first thunder reaches your ear.

Drip, drip, drip.

He loves you. Not only does he allow your presence, but he actually reciprocates your feelings. And it only feels right that you've given the biggest and most important part of your heart to him, because he'll take care of it, just like he takes care of you with blankets, cups of tea and apparently once in a while, three words that mean the world to you.

"I love you, too."

Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now