Failed Expectations

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[Req. by ootoof :"so the reader gets insecure about how she is not that girl she is not rich and not how people expect chishiya's partner to be since it's the chishiya and the reader is just herself and chishiya comforts her."]
(Seems like I accidentally added this to HLiF first, sorry about that! Things should be right now though)


Family parties have always been a weird thing and they will always be. People gather together, call themselves family just because they share a name or some ancestors, but the truth is that they don't see each other all year. They don't care about the others, don't waste thoughts about them, but as soon as there's a birthday or wedding, they all come together and pretend to be the best family-buddies on earth.

And it's the same with every family. With yours as well as with Chishiya's.

At some point it's nice to see how everyone's doing. Who is in a relationship with who, who is pregnant again, has changed the job, finished school or university. Talking about experiences and cool things that happened, extravagant vacations or concerts or just weird moments one witnessed, if only the interest behind it was real. But the truth is that people don't care about your grades or where you see yourself in a year or two. They have no interest in the activities you and your friends do on the weekends, on the music you listen to or the hobbies you like to spend your time with.

Those questions are nothing but empty phrases, asked because it is polite and even expected to ask them. Nothing more.

Yesterday's Chishiya-family gathering has been the exact same. Like last year, you had felt like an unwanted pimple for the entire day. Whenever people looked at you, it had been with raised brows, sneers, snidely glances. The food had been excellent at least, giving you lots of opportunities to hide from those weirdos wearing clothes that were more expensive than your complete wardrobe.

This family really is something. With Chishiya's father being a famous surgeon and his son going the same path, they're not at all special. Everyone there has either an amazingly well-paid job or a title that's worth more than a small city, saving the world here, keeping development running there. One has just had a breakthrough with a medication against cancer? Nice, but have you heard that blabla's daughter has been accepted to university with 13?

Everyone is like this. Everyone... except you.

You had been more than glad when the meeting had been finally over, allowing you to return home, where no one would judge you simply because you dared to breathe the same air. Or because you existed.

As you snuggle deeper into the blanket, you feel hot tears welling up behind your eyes, clenching your throat with their bitter taste. No one ever told it to your face, but you're not stupid. You're not rich, you're not famous, but you're not stupid.

Are you even able to pay your rent with your current way of living?

I bet Shuntarou is paying most of it. I hope he doesn't feel like you're exploiting him.

Didn't you wear that dress already last year?

What about that young CEO-woman your father wanted you to meet lately, Shuntarou?

You love Chishiya, you really do. But for God's sake, you hate his family.

And you want to be better! If you could turn into the rich, famous person they want him to have, you'd instantly do it. Sadly though you don't have a rich and successful family pushing you into the realm of the upmost class, getting you the best jobs with ease and providing you with more money than you could spend in a lifetime. No, you're the one who has to work double shifts at times to fund university, the one who does wear the same clothes twice in life. Because it would simply be ridiculous not to. If you buy very comfy and good-looking clothes, what's the sense behind throwing it away after just one use?

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