The Ring in the Pastry

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[Req.: "Apparently I lied, I have a new idea again, but I'm not really sure whether it's actually good, because again very spontaneous 😅. If I got that right, Chishiya doesn't have the best relationship with his parents (or maybe just his father?), because of fake marriage and (probably) having a child rather only for professional benefits. It'd obviously take place after the borderlands. So how about Chishiya and his s/o meeting his father. I don't know which would be better, a accidental meeting or that he, for whatever reason, is "forced" to go to a family dinner or something similar and he takes his s/o with him as some kind of emotional support or just to score off his father ( or something like that) XD. Preferably with fluff at the end when they can finally go home 😊 Also if I, at any point, start to get annoying, just let me know."]


"You're nervous."

"No, I'm not." You try to sound as confident as possible, but both of you know it's a lie. The way you're pacing up and down the hallway, straighten your outfit every minute, throw a side glance into the mirror to check if your hair is still good...

Chishiya musters you and he doesn't look disappointed in any way. How could he, since you look absolutely marvelous? But it still doesn't seem to be perfect enough.

"It is just a dinner. We'll manage that much." This tiny word gives him away, and it makes you smile. Instead of "you", he said "we", and in that moment you realize he's just as nervous as you are. After all, you are going to meet his father, and Chishiya hasn't seen him in years – for good reason.

The invitation had come quite unexpected. A simple call, no unnecessary words, only a place and a time. And the request to take you with him, the woman Chishiya has been living with almost two years now. Neither of you know why his father has suddenly such an interest in seeing his son again and meeting you, although Chishiya assumes it once again has something to do with outer appearance. His parent's fake marriage, his birth, everything had been done just to please society. To seem like the perfect family for other people to envy, to look up to.

"It will be a test", you mutter under your breath as you tighten the pins in your hair one last time.

Chishiya steps up to you, placing his hand on your cheek and forcing you to look into his eyes. He looks fabulous as well, his hair freshly dyed and the suit perfectly flattering his features. The times that you see him in such fancy clothes are rare, and it is fascinating that he looks just as wonderful in expensive suits as in hoodies and sweatpants. "A test that you will pass". He leans down to kiss you, and you know that he means it. No matter if you'll pass whatever test his father has prepared; you have already managed every test Chishiya had given you before.

You take a deep breath and nod. It's already late, and you should hurry to arrive at the restaurant in time. Chishiya lets you take his hand, and you descend the stairs together. You could have taken the elevator of course, but walking down helps you to focus, and you still don't feel too comfortable inside elevators. Although using them is inevitable since you own the penthouse apartment, one of the luxuries you enjoy with your partner being one of the most famous surgeons in Tokyo.

The taxi is already waiting outside, and the air conditioner is running on a comfortably low temperature. Even with the sun already setting, the heat from the day still remains and won't leave for the next couple of hours. Chishiya makes sure the driver has the right address, and you watch the city lights fly by in silence for a couple of minutes. Your heart still beats fast with flurry, and you force yourself to keep calm. No matter what his father is going to say; you are good enough for Chishiya. He has told you so many times now, and you believe him. It doesn't matter what his father thinks about you – not for him.

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