Strawberry Kiss

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[Req.: "Here's the strawberry request, no angst this time (admittedly it was a pretty spontaneous idea) ^_^ So, in Tokyo there are not only office buildings, stores and apartments strung together, but also houses with small gardens. So during a stroll through the city Chishiya's s/o finds a garden with a strawberry patch and brings them back to him and they feed each other or whatever you see fitting for him ;)"]


Sometimes it just feels good to be out of the Beach. The silence and peace is soothing compared to the loud music and drunken people, and then there's the city...

Tokyo is wonderful with most humans gone. You could spend hours and maybe even days with just strolling through the empty streets, musing over how nature manages to take back every inch of it and how rabbits and deer now saunter through what has once been a famous shopping mall.

The broken windows and cracked paving slabs don't seem murky at all, it's more a kind of artistry that humans aren't capable of. You see trees growing through buildings, ivy covering whole facades and gardens exploding with their variety of colorful flowers and greenery.

While the skyscrapers are fascinating to watch, the one-storied homes are your favorites. The one you're approaching now has a nice sandstone-colored front and numerous of wild roses covering the yard, and the door is wide open. Almost like an invitation.

Sunlight allows you to make out most details inside, and it used to be a very comfy home before its owners suddenly disappeared. Bright furniture, definitely modern but not too snobby, with lots of images covering the walls. Images with children, places all around the world, and animals. So many animals.

You open some of the cupboards in search for things that could come in handy for the Beach, tucking some snacks and sweets into your backpack while doing so. Food is not a rarity in Hatter's Utopia, but expeditions like this one are required to keep it that way.

The huge glass doors leading to the veranda are unlocked, and you pull them open with ease. The garden is surrounded by a waist-high wall made of the same sandstone than the house itself, and huge parts of the garden are covered by a lovely pond. It used to have a little waterfall judging by the stone slaps arranged at its side, and while it's not working anymore, there are still fish inside the water, not feeding themselves on fish food any longer but on algae.

You also spot a wooden swing which seems to be still intact, but you don't dare to take a seat, afraid that the strings will rip with the sudden weight. It's easy to imagine how you'd spend a warm summer day inside this garden, listening to the lapping of the pond and to the singing of the birds and bees around the garden. Maybe there would even be a laughing child on the swing.

While the veranda used to be a spacious area, more than enough for a couple of sun loungers and a barbecue, it is now mostly overgrown. But what has looked like weeds on the first sight turns out to be something completely different, and you kneel down to examine it more closely.

A wide smile covers your face as you spot dozens, probably hundreds of small red fruits hiding between the mass of green. You carefully take one and hold it into the sun, confirming what you have already guessed: all of these are strawberries!

You can't even remember the last time you ate fresh strawberries, and tucking one in your mouth tastes like haven. They are sweet and rich, not watery like the ones that used to be sold in the stores. And there's so many!

A couple of minutes later, your hands are sticky and dripping with strawberry juice, and the same probably goes for your face. It is such a shame that Chishiya isn't here with you, since you know how much that man loves strawberries. But he refused to leave for a walk today – something he'll clearly regret once you tell him what you've found.

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